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Finally this scene is done, having 2 variations: blowjob; hand-job

This is the first of 2 scenes required for main new event planned for next release.

Scene has also 2 variations (random) with Casey partially dressed and naked (just f5 to see the other) for this scene - this is to reflect Casey's skirt, green blouse and white and black panties in the scene

Added to 'latest sex scenes' 

Edited: just forgot to mention why it took more time then usual for animation - I was testing possibility to run 2 independent animations for one scene at the same time. I have plans to use it when Casey have to satisfy (for example) 3 guys at the same time




how come I can't load a saved game? I shut down the game and come back later and I have to start over?


make sure you don't run game in incognito browser. In general, what version of the game (swf, exe) are you running?

Jake Terror

I like how this artist made it so her hair doesn't make her look too much like a crack whore from the 90s anymore.


woooooo!!!! big update! :)



jason harrington jr

This is great. And I am eager to see what's in store for this game as it is already great. Have you thought about maybe a scene with Tommi the cat thing forcing casey during mid day or like if Lana is away for the evening? There are so many possibilities with this game.

william wofford

great work can't wait to get the party started :))


The scene looks awesome, I can't wait to play it in game. Though there's one thing I noticed in a lot of the recent scenes compared to the old ones. In the old scenes Casey looked a lot happier with the sex scenes and since they have had the new art style she still seems happy at times but not in the same way or sometimes not at all. Is she meant to be more reserved or unwilling now or are there gonna be more scenes where she looks like a dick loving girl? Personally I liked the later, but variation is cool or even just to know the direction is for her to be more reserved


I guess you're right. I was kinda concentrated on some 'hard scenes' lately, so most of the scenes in progress now doesn't make her look happy. I'll need to check on this, thanks


you could always do it to where the slutiness states caps at a certain point requiring you to be drunk/high for any scenes with a high slutiness requirement, if that makes any sense. also I think itd be cool to be happy in some scenes and taken off guard in other scenes, or maybe an option to try and play innocent and have things happen regardless or play in a way where you whore yourself out, but idk how that would work. just my 10 cents on the topic.


like when she walks in on boss going lunatic because niki lied for the innocent but she gets screwed anyways vs her getting guys off when learning about the pump stuff at the computer for her to whore her self out.


is that possible to have more sex with nikki and a better realationship with her?


not yet and currently part of 'relations with Nikki & Ram' was least popular, so it is not in the scope of upcoming releases