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Hi guys,

I wanted to make this poll long ago... probably some issues with my memory, lol :D

The question is simple - should I put efforts into voicing sex scenes (girl voicing, groans and moans), how important is that for you?

Last time I was doing it it was a complete nightmare with freelancers and pretty tiring & time consuming, so I don't want to do it unless you are really interested.


James Jones

Definitely important!


Important but visuals are more important for now I think. And I am fine with some easy moans, nothing too professional :D


I'd like it, but gameplay and visuals first.

william wofford

Everyone talks in, text bubbles anyway , voicing the moans and groans of sex might be a bit out of place ,i think the way its going is fine ,the moans and groans in the text bubbles ,unless you want to do voice actors the whole game doing all the speaking parts, which i think would be an unnecessary expense, not to mention a lot of coding rework to trigger the voices at the right time .

william wofford

i guess currently in game there is one exception ,i wasn't thinking of at the time, the anal scene with casey and sam where he smacks her ass for talking back . other than that all the moans and groans are in the text .


Personally I find moaning sounds half the experience, it doesn't have to contain words, only some variation so it doesn't appear a total loop. Try to watch some porn with no sound at all and ya get an idea of how dull that can be ;-)


I think a good idea would be to just find free audio of moans and groans on the internet instead of hiring people to do it. There's definitely some sites that have that sort of thing. But it's up to you I don't mind either way.


Do the Moans right or Not at All. So many games and animations loop a moan that sounds out of place, including this game. It cuts in abruptly, and the sound is often not mixed well for the tone; i.e. you can clearly tell the moan and the sex scene happen in different environments. Get actual voice actors and a sound mixer, and learn to fade in and blend sounds. If you don't do that it just sounds dumb and often detracts from the situation as a whole.

Benjamin Donahue

I usually mute it. Dialogue is fine but just the moans is pointless.


I tried looking for free ones last time, however particular moans & impressions are hard to get (ensuring no side effects as well)


I wonder if you know voice actors doing this or sounding adult stuff? Because, you know, normal voice actors (who voice some stories or books) does usually suck in moaning - or at list this is what I've learned from my last attempt with freelancers about this.


Yeah, voicing everything is not the way for 'internet-game', as the size will be huge. Mentioned scene with Casey was a part when I wanted to voice characters with basic stuff one day (Hi / cya / are you starring on my tits?), but patrons said they don't really want characters to have some particular real-actor voice (I guess I'll leave this idea for next game, after I finish this one :D )


i do like the sound effects ...not gonna lie...gag noises, sex sounds etc.


Groans and moans are usually pretty terrible in these types of games. Just stock porno sounds that rarely fit the scene.


I've been waiting to see you work on the jack sex scenes.


I think an option to turn them off would be great though. Sometimes I like the music & other sounds, but groans are usually a bit loud etc so I have to turn my volume down inb4 other people can hear it. :v