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Siobhan Linehan

Hi, I'm new. I'm on the other Patreon pages that do watch parties Tea Time With Travis and Songs From A Suitcase. I've been trying to get both of them to react to Doctor Who but they're not interested, not yet anyway. But a few people on those pages directed me to you and said that you do watch parties for Doctor Who and it's true lol. So I'm happy to be here and I'm going to start watching through these. 😊

Melissa Amato (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 03:24:47 Thank you Jay. Great Reaction. Love Tennant, he's too good for words. I love Doctor Who, Have you ever seen Tom Baker, & the first Doctor's yet? You really should, so much more fun, & info. Not to mention creatively made sets, designs, & crazy costumes. Take care, BEE Watchin 🐝yah. @Copyright aka Donna Noble💋💓 💖🌍🌏🌎🌀💖🐶👩🏻‍🚀✨🌛✨LOL
2023-01-12 21:19:21 Thank you Jay. Great Reaction. Love Tennant, he's too good for words. I love Doctor Who, Have you ever seen Tom Baker, & the first Doctor's yet? You really should, so much more fun, & info. Not to mention creatively made sets, designs, & crazy costumes. Take care, BEE Watchin 🐝yah. @Copyright aka Donna Noble💋💓 💖🌍🌏🌎🌀💖🐶👩🏻‍🚀✨🌛✨LOL

Thank you Jay. Great Reaction. Love Tennant, he's too good for words. I love Doctor Who, Have you ever seen Tom Baker, & the first Doctor's yet? You really should, so much more fun, & info. Not to mention creatively made sets, designs, & crazy costumes. Take care, BEE Watchin 🐝yah. @Copyright aka Donna Noble💋💓 💖🌍🌏🌎🌀💖🐶👩🏻‍🚀✨🌛✨LOL


I recently joined Travis and mentioned Doctor Who to him. He didn't immediately reject the idea but did seem put off by the number of episodes. I tried to tell him to ignore classic who, but not sure that landed. At least we have Jay though!! :D

Siobhan Linehan

SeeJay, I've tried to persuade Travis on this idea too. He definitely should ignore classic who. And the amount of episodes in New Who might look intimidating, but it goes by quite quickly once you get in to it. And I just know he'd love it. So I'm going to pay soon for him to react to the full first season, I should have enough money by the weekend. He did tell me that he can be bought lol. And I'm sure he'll want to watch more once he gets to the end of the season. 😂 And yeah Jay is great, loving watching through his reactions. But the more people reacting to Doctor Who the better. 💕


I'd happily pay extra too. We'll team up and break him down! lol. I must say, I'm loving Jay's reactions. He really gets invested in the characters and the storylines and I love that. I've realized though that I'm out of episodes of his to watch, so I'm switching over to his Charmed reaction until we get more DW lol