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Sara Nissen

One of the episodes where we see the vulnerable and good side of Sue, and even though she can be really tough and nasty, you really feel for Sue here. Even though it was short and maybe not one of the biggest vocal performances in the series, Pure Imagination is still one of my favorite group performances, because it really comes from a good place as a tribute to the lovely person Jean was, even if we didn't get to see her much in the series, we knew through Sue how much she loved her and vice versa.

Anna Hunt

This episode is so sad, but so well done. The line about how Sue didn't think anyone would show up gets me every time. And I can't hear Pure Imagination without thinking of this scene now. Overall just a really good episode, and everyone's songs were incredible. Also Terri's line about monkeypox really didn't age well...

Sofie K.

Have to watch the rest later, but I had same reaction to Rachel’s performance first time I heard it. This is by far the best performance at this point (it’s my top-3 of the whole show, the other has not been done yet). You were so right about her telling the story with her face. Lea Michele is a broadway star (she is going to play Fanny Brice from funny girl this autumn!). And this was an example of her huge stage talent. Without moving her feet everything was still choreographed. The shoulder movements, the head etc. nothing was random. This is a performance that had to have been rehearsed over and over again. GOOD JOB RACHEL! -And don’t even get me started on her vocal technique: it is outstanding! Btw she did this performance in front of Barbra Streisand at a tribute concert some years ago. She must have been so nervous but she sounded almost exactly like this recorded version. Wow, wow, wow.


Pure Imagination will always belong to Glee in my heart, it's where I heared it for the first time and no other version (not even original) will ever compare to this masterpiece <3 Pure Perfection <3

Sofie K.

Amber Riley sang so good!! But her charachter Mercedes would not be ready to get the solo. Because she doesn't work hard enough for it. She didn't even practise. And said that she never practice. Rachel on the other hand practiced that number probably 10000 times, so that nothing would be done without perfection. And to be the lead you will have to practise day and night, which Mercedes doesn't yet seem willing to do. But like Rachel mentioned to Mercedes in the episode with night of neglect, Rachel said that NOTHING is more important to her than to be a star. No friends, boyfriends, whatever comes before that for her at this time. Rachel's performance alone would earn her the lead but also the fact that she will do the work for it. But I'm just SO GLAD that they did this "audition" so that we got to hear Naya and Amber's beautiful voices. There is just so much talent in this cast!

Sofie K.

Glee sometimes got some crazy storylines. But I gotta say that these last couple episodes they've been able to tackle some real serious topics. The episode with Emma's OCD, Kurt prom queen, Rachel nosejob, Sam being poor. All real issues. Brave to have so many of those things included. but it's great And Sue handleing loss of a family member was just another example.


I always thought that there was something so special that Santana was the first person to write their name on the sheet to audition. She puts on this tough front but she loves singing and loves the club. ❤️