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ouat6x21x22.mp4 - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.


Luis Nov

I haven't watch the whole reaction but just couldn't wait for the ending bit and gosh! that was amazing!! and I don't know if you know this but, this was almost the final season, so thats why you feel like everything wraps up (aside the ending) and for some fans this was the last one but for me personally, Im so happy season 7 happened and its actually my second favorite season of the show (just right under 3) it is so good and I hope you enjoy it, the plot seeds planted throughout the season pays off great! my fav episode of the entire show its in season 7 and cannot wait for your reactions to it.

Melissa Amato

Wow the finally to sea 6 is like the end of the series, Jay tho it isn't. But what a Finally, felt like Adam & Eddy wanted to make sure everything & everyone we cared about got the amazing endings we all dreamed of for all the Characters we adore, & still do. Sea 7 definitely has us wondering what is next... Thank you Jay, what a great surprise. Some Reactors are too jaded in life to appreciate what a amazing show Ouat was sadly. But I love how you truly love OUAT💖 as much as all us ONCERS. Thank you for enjoying it & the stories we all come to know, & love. The Characters are so loved good, & bad, & good, they're all layered so well, & their family tree is Cray, but so much more real, then most. & Eventually all their stories meld into each other, each tale connected in some way, or other. & Even a musical that only makes their Story book lives ever more complex & Brilliant, to a Show heart stopping spectacle that has us holding our breath, till Snows lovely hopeful explanation of why the entire family now, of lore, & legend, & usually an end not a beginning, to their predestined stories, she lets us all know, that the tails go on, that people fear the end of anything, but it's her deepest knowledge, that is shared among all the characters. This is not the end, this is what is next for all. & us all, we now luckily get to experience Everyone enjoying what is, & what may excitingly come, next ¿?👨🏻👧🏻📖🧚🏻‍♀️✨ See U then ⁴ Sea 7 & further adventures to be. 💖🌏🌎🌍💖🐶👩🏻‍🚀✨🌛✨


While I love these episodes I'm super excited to see you get into season 7

Jennifer Clark

I'm hoping you will start season 7 soon! Please give updates. Great reaction.