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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Song in Your Heart- I absolutely love, love, love this musical episode and everything about it!! Thank you so very much for your reaction to one of the most beautiful ad amazing episodes throughout all of Once Upon a Time, Jay!!! I truly appreciate all of your thoughts and insights into this episode. Each of these songs really are all phenomenal and everyone's voices are amazing! And yes... it really is each one of these actors singing for themselves. :) This episode absolutely goes by so fast. And it's amazing because this musical episode really makes me think I'm watching a Disney movie, which is why it is absolutely perfect for a musical episode to be done in Once Upon a Time... a show all about fairytale characters coming together. Such a beautiful ode to Walt Disney for inspiring us all and for bringing these characters to life in such a magical way. Thank you so much for such a great and fun reaction to one of my absolute favorite episodes throughout the entire show, Jay!!! First... The VIP for this episode absolutely deserves to go Killian and Emma! :) I absolutely love, love, love that we see Emma's and Killian's wedding at the end of this show's musical episode, and both Emma and Killian look phenomenal in their wedding attire. Emma's wedding gown is gorgeous. She has a very classic movie, Grace Kelly kind of look about her. And Killian most certainly looks very handsome in his all black tuxedo. Black absolutely suits him far better than any white tuxedo ever could do. Thank goodness he chooses to remain in black. Plus... I love that Archie is the one to marry them. And both Killian's and Emma's vows to one another definitely fit their characters perfectly and beautifully. I cried the first time I watched this episode throughout this wedding, just as tears of joy continue to slip down from the corners of my eyes every time I watch this episode even today. The wedding for my all time favorite True Love couple within all of Once Upon a Time is so, so beautiful just like I expected and always hoped for. And seeing Emma and Killian get married within a musical episode, in such a beautiful way... it almost makes me feel a little bit better about us never getting a True Love's Kiss from them. Almost. :) And thankfully, they marry just in time before the Black Fairy's curse sweeps over everyone. Shame on Fiona for ruining such a beautiful day for Killian and Emma. As for the songs... Truthfully, I really love them all for various reasons, and I consider them all pretty equal, because it's very difficult for me to really decide which of them are my favorites. But to break them down a little more... My first favorite song is A Happy Beginning, because I am most certainly a sucker for a powerful song sung by a movie or show's entire ensemble, and this final song most certainly doesn't disappoint. But what I love most about this song, is seeing and hearing Emma and Killian start this grand musical number off by singing a beautiful duet together. Their voices blend together quite beautifully, and I love their dance they share together too. And then the Charmings join in, along with Regina and Zelena, and even Henry has a single line on his own too. Then, everyone sings and dance together. It's so beautiful, fun, energetic, and colorful too. I also love that this wedding occurs on a rooftop somewhere in town across from the clock tower. Beautiful and perfect! Revenge is Gonna Be Mine sung by Colin O'Donoghue is absolutely fabulous!!! Killian's voice is absolutely fabulous!!! And a pirate song about revenge and wanting to kill his Crocodile is perfect for Captain Hook. His humor towards Snow and Charming is fun because they keep thinking he's singing about getting revenge against a real crocodile, not knowing he means the Dark One until the end of the song. And it is really nice to see Mr. Smee again too. Next... I love Emma's Song, which takes Emma's theme that has been played within the background of a number of episodes often for her character, and in every episode's title card throughout the whole show. Jennifer Morrison has an amazing voice as well. Hers is so soft and beautiful, then Emma grows more powerful as the song continues on when her heart becomes powerful enough to save her family from the Black Fairy's freeze spell, as well as herself from the Black Fairy, making it impossible for Fiona to crush Emma's heart like she's wanted all along. And I just love the moments between Emma and Killian throughout her song, as well as throughout the entire episode. Sadly, this villainess' curse is still coming, but this song and her family have given Emma the strength and power she needs to believe that as heroes, they will defeat the Black Fairy once and for all together. I love that Emma has the final line of the episode as the curse is about to sweep over them, as Killian asks her where she thinks the curse will send them, and she answers... "It doesn't matter. Because we're gonna win." Beautiful! Powerful Magic is also another of my favorites for sure. Ginnifer Goodwin and her husband, Josh Dallas both have incredible voices, especially Charming. Wow!!! And I really love that their song is also the song that starts off the musical numbers upon Snow wishing the Blue Star. Plus... Snow White sings with birds like she does in her Disney movie. Perfect!! In this song, we really see the love these two characters and their actors show for one another both on and off the screen. Beautiful! Now, I really love Lana Parrilla's song... Love Doesn't Stand a Chance. Lana's voice is gruff and dirty, and amazing. This song really does give off a Rocky Horror Picture Show vibe, which is exactly what Lana Parrilla wanted. She loved being able to sing a rock song for her big song. I also love that it starts off with parts of the song sung by Grumpy, Geppetto, Jiminy Cricket in his cricket form, Granny, and of course Sidney, who I was surprised to see brought back again for just this episode, but very happy too. What a fun song and Lana's dance moves are great. And lastly... Wicked Always Wins sung by Rebecca Mader is beautiful as well and her voice is amazing too. However, I am a bit confused as to how the spell reaches Oz, and I've always felt like this song feels somehow a little disconnected from the rest of the episode. That's why it is probably my least favorite out of them all, although I still really love it anyways. I absolutely love it!! I do wish that we would have gotten a song from Rumple and Belle, who sadly isn't even in this musical episode at all. I really wish she was. There are a few people missing from this episode that I really wish we could have seen. Especially at the wedding. Especially August, given that he is Emma's best friend. He really should have been there too. Now... I feel it's a little strange, and even disappointing that the Black Fairy would immediately come out of hiding, and that she and Rumple would both announce their plans to bring about the curse and to defeat Emma. The Black Fairy wants to destroy Emma herself before the curse because she is the Great Evil, while Emma is the Savior and it is their destiny to fight in the final battle. I suppose I get this because the Black Fairy does have an arrogance about her, and she thought she could convince Emma to give up her heart before the curse because she thought she could break Emma so easily. But it does seems a bit bizarre for sure. And I also somewhat understand why Rumple has sided with his mother, because he feels she is his best way to protect his family. But he's most certainly wrong, and this is far more annoying than anything else to me, because Rumple is so, so wishy washy. Especially this season. Evil, good... evil, good... Just make your mind up, Rumple!! Ugh!!! Overall... I just can't say enough about this episode that is most certainly and easily one of my all time favorite episodes throughout all of Once Upon a Time!!! It's phenomenal and beautiful! And I couldn't wait until your reaction to it!!! And it's one of the many reasons why I wanted to become a member of your Patreon page so long ago. Because I really wanted to see your reaction especially for this musical episode that I love so, so much. That... and because I enjoy your reactions very much. You're just a lot of fun. So thank you once again, Jay! And now... I can't wait for The Final Battle two part finale!!! Two more amazing episodes that I really love, and I think you're really gonna love them too. :) Sincerely, Heidi

Melanie Anderson

I’ve been waiting in anticipation for this episode knowing how much you enjoy all music (I watch your Glee reactions and have watched some of your music video reactions as well) and I’m so glad you liked it - I figured you would! 😉 A few fun facts ( cause I’m ALWAYS full of them 😉) All the cast sang all their own music and they even had vocal training so all the songs have been recorded and you can get them on iTunes, Spotify, etc! Josh Dallas (David) is actually a trained Broadway actor and did several off Broadway productions before breaking into tv. Colin O’Donahue was actually touring in a band and plays the guitar when he got the OUAT gig - you can find a couple of his songs on iTunes, etc - and when he was filming “Revenge” he actually broke his foot in the first 30 secs or so when he stood on the chair and slid down off it and like the professional he is he just finished the whole thing, dancing on a broken foot, without saying a word! Finally, all the songs were composed by a couple of the men who compose most of the songs for the animated films - they actually came on set and worked with the actors for a few days to make sure their individual songs were catered to their characters! This is one of the best musical episodes I’ve seen - they did a great job and I’m soooo glad you liked it! And yes, Hook and Emma are married! Yay!!!!

Luis Nov

Did you know this was a musical episode? Even tho its cheesy af cant help but love this ep with all my heart! This is definitely the show to do a musical episode and they did a great job! My fav have to be the evil queen one, but also really love Hook’s and Zelena’s. With the risk of you blocking me from your patreo, I have to say that Im not a fan of CaptainSwan, but really liked that the musical ep was also their wedding and I quite liked their vows. Anyway, cant wait for the next episodes, and yeah, I think it’s better to watch the finale back to back since is a two parter finale

Alex A Alvarenga

I had to write this down before I forget yes that is all of them singing maybe a little help with auto-tune but it's their Voice Josh Dallas Charming the zelena the wicked witch we're on Broadway that's why both of them were really outstanding it's all their voices and even Captain Hook is in a band and he sings as well the cast is very talented

Alex A Alvarenga

Hey you're here as well I always see you with the Jessie reactions to Once Upon a Time Jessie and Jay are probably the best Once Upon a Time reactive at this moment


Yes yes!!! Love the Musical Episode!! 🥰 We still need a song from Rumple!!! I would suggest watching the last two episodes together as it is a two-parter, but I’ll watch regardless if it’s together or not 🥰 super excited ❤️


I have been waiting for this for so long :D Such a fun episode and I LOVE the songs! The soundtrack is on Spotify and iTunes as well, I listen to it regularly :D I love how they used Emma's theme, which has been used since the pilot, for her song in this episode, really made it seem like the ultimate Emma song! Regina's performance and song was genius, something like out of Rocky Horror :D And Hook and Zelena killed it as well! The behind the scenes of this episode is super fun as well, everyone just having the best time and being giddy - surprisingly enough tho, the one actor who didn't love it was Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow) as she's not a big fan of musicals, and I think the one who enjoyed it the absolute most was Rebecca Mader (Zelena) who will gladly perform Wicked Always Wins (what else would her song be called?!) at conventions and events, which is so great - Colin (Hook) has also performed his song at some live events ^^ I often find musical episodes in non-musical shows to be super awkward and cringey, even tho I love musicals, but in most shows it just makes no sense for the characters to suddenly break into song, however OuaT it is like the perfect show for it to work because of the whole fairytale/magic aspect of it, which makes it a lot less farfetched! I would suggest you watch the two part finale as one, like most of the other finales of the show :)

Jennifer Clark

I can't help but cry EVERY SINGLE TIME I watch 6/20! I have waited years along with several reactors just to get to this episode! lol. I truly enjoy experiencing this with them for their first time. This one, 6/22 and 7/22 get me so bad but I LOVE IT SO MUCH~