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ouat6x12.mp4 - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Murder Most Foul- Thank you so very much for another phenomenal reaction for Once Upon a Time, Jay!! I absolutely love this episode so, so much! It's not just one of my favorite episodes within season six, but throughout all of this show! :) I love, love, love everything about David's and Killian's stroy arc throughout this episode, which is easily my favorite storyline. And every scene and moment between these two handsome men are my favorite scenes and moments throughout this episode. I love David's fight to discover the truth about who really killed his father and getting to know all that happened ever since David's had made the deal with Rumplestiltskin to save both of their sons. The choice that David's father and mother had to make when faced with losing both sons to illness, or just one to King James in their deal with Rumple, is impossible and just so tragic. As difficult and tragic as their decision to give James up is, I think that anyone would make the same decision. It would break me, but I think I would do the same too. I also truly love, love, love Kilian's fight to try to prove to David he is worthy of Emma's love and her hand in marriage, and the pain he shows in his face upon having to distract Emma as he does to help David steal the potion ingredients from her. Most of all... I love Killian's words to David in the end when he saves David from killing King George, and seeing him comfort David when he completely breaks down. This moment between them is absolutely beautiful. Also... I love the moment David thanks Killian for saving him from his terrible mistake, and then apologizes for putting his love with Emma at risk by forcing him to go against her for him. I especailly love the moment Killian risks asking David for Emma's hand in marriage, only for David to tease him and then happily assure him that he has his blessing. And then... one final revelation comes when we learn that it was really Hook who had killed David's father way back when, when he was still the villainous Captain Hook. It's so tragic, and you can absolutely so the torment Killian then feels in his eyes and on his face when he looks down upon the book pages August had given him and recognizes the face of the unknown man he had killed back then. So tragic, but such a fabulous twist that I love very much, and I absolutely love all that's to come for Killian too!! In regards to Regina's and Wish Robin's storyline... I really enjoy everything between them too. From Regina and Robin sharing a kiiss only for Regina to feel nothing, to Robin seeking to kill the Sheriff of Nottingham until Regina's stops him, and to finally seeing that Robin is now up to something upon him stealing a box of magic from Regina's vault. Not good, but a fantastic storyline overall. I also really love seeing August again and him being involved with helping David learn more about what happened to his father. I also love seeing Pleasure Island and Pinocchio as a puppet, who helps David's father find James. It is fabulous seeing a new world that is Pleasure Island, from the Pinocchio story. And lastly, in regards to Zelena... Right now, and ever since the Underworld arc in season five, she is more annoying than anything else. Overall... I love Zelena as a villainess, because I absolutely love her in season three's Wicked Witch arc, and there's good for her to come too... I promise. But right now... I am really not a fan of hers. Just hang in there. She will get better. Thank you again so much for this fabulous reaction, Jay!!! I absolutely give this episode a ten. I am so, so happy you love this episode so much too, and that you're excited for all that's to come for both Killian and David... two characters that are my favorite characters too!!! This episode shows the phenomenal story writing this show can bring us. And I can't wait for you to continue on with more Once Upon a Time! :) Sincerely, Heidi


This is such a solid episode, and the twist at the end is just gutwrenching! Just like Regina, Hook has made huge progress, so question now is, does he bury the truth or does he come clean and risk the relationship with the Charmings that he's built?

Luis Nov

Heidi! So glad to hear from you, we’ve never interacted before but I enjoyed your comments the post of other reactors, got worried when you stopped but Im glad to find you here. Hope you’re okay and see you around ✌🏻