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charmed 3x02 FULL.mp4 - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.



can´t wait for more Charmed!


Just an FYI, Charmed is all on Peacock.


Did you get OUaT vibes as well on this one? A curse that puts two lovers in different states so they can't be together - and Cole with "Pan's shadow" xD I know Cole is evil, but I really love his awkward moments with Phoebe, even if it's fake on his part, but Phoebe all flustered is super adorable - and Cole is a great character, there's just no denying that. To keep to the OUaT analogies, Cole is kind of the Cora on Charmed, the character you love to watch and love to hate xD

Amanda P

Is it not loading for anyone else?


The funny thing is I instantly thought of Snow and Charming with the curse in this episode 😂 And yeah, I’m definitely loving to hate Cole already!


If the curse to tear lovers apart ain't broke, don't fix it I guess xD You will for sure both feel extreme anger and hate towards him as well as sympathy, he's a really great character like that, very well written :) I'm excited for you to see where it all goes :)


Re: Just an FYI, Charmed is all on Peacock. However you're watching them currently, don't stop. You've found the originals with the original soundtrack. Long story short, streaming wasn't baked into the creative use licenses back then so all of the streaming services that picked up Charmed aren't the same. The entire series soundtrack was swapped out for cheap generics to avoid the creative use license stuff, and the show isn't the same without the original soundtrack.


I always totally identified with Piper. She was my favorite. And because of her I loved Leo. Darryl was my favorite for who I'd love to be friends with. But I think I was half in love with Cole. He was top two for my absolute favorite characters, only slightly behind Piper.


I find Phoebe's attitude in this so weird, it seems really out of character to me. Also the timing in this episoe makes zero sense, an eclipse, at least the main part of one, is actually pretty short, but I suppose that's a nitpick.

Suzanne Hunt

This storyline was taken from the movie in 1985 Ladyhawke with Michelle Pfeiffer except in that MP is the hawk by day and her lover is the wolf by night! I love the story though! I both love and hate Cole! I am new to your Patreon, but am a long time watcher on YouTube! I love your reactions! Keep up the good work!