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glee2x04.mp4 - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.


Luis Nov

Kurt's comeback to Rachel's "You and I are a little bit more similar than you think" was iconic I forgot how fun this episode was and you were right, Burt being an amazing parent? what else is new. I think my ranking would be 1. Santana and Mercedes (Can't top that, sorry) 2. Rachel and Kurt 3. Kurt 4. Mike and Tina 5. Sam and Quinn 6. Rachel and Finn Great reaction man, really looking forward ep 6 reactions.

Anna Hunt

I really like this episode. Mostly for the music, but there's some good story too. With the Kurt/Finn stuff, I don't really like the way Finn was talking about it in the beginning. It sounded a little manipulative to me, but Burt did a better job. They do have a point, if Finn were a girl Kurt would have been seen as super creepy (yes, bad double standard) and he shouldn't be pressuring Sam. I do get he's super lonely though, so I don't think he's a bad guy for it. The songs in this are the best. I disproportionally listened to Lucky just because Quinn's voice is mostly in my range, but I think River Deep Mountain High is one of the underrated classics in this show. That pairing was iconic. And Rachel/Kurt always sound amazing. This is also the beginning of where I start liking Rachel's character more. Cant wait for the next one!

Sara Nissen

Good episode with the duets. Good for Artie to stand his ground. My favorite duet of the episode is Kurt and Rachel at the end. Mike and Tina was fun, and the other duets was good too, but Finn and Rachels 2nd duet not so much, and you knew, They were sabortaging themselves on purpose.

Sofie K.

I love the Mercedes and Santana duet in this episode! It's amazing! And I would have voted for them in this contest. I really like it when Finn and Rachel are singing together (minus the song they sang in the competition, of cause. That was meant to be bad so they would lose) - especially when it's just the two of them. Rachel doesn't try to upstage him. She just loves to sing with him. I think they are really cute together and brings out a great side to Rachel. When singing a duet with a girl Rachel would definietly try to upstage the other girl, but she doesn't do that with Finn. I like that! Rachel will always be my favourite singer and charachter (Lea Michele's vocal techniques is amazing... you'll see more of that in the later episodes).

Sofie K.

The Mike and Tina duet was so much fun and very well done! They did amazing! I just love Mike's charachter. And the actor can acutally sing, it is just the running gag in the show that he is only there because he is such a great dancer. You'll get to hear his real singing voice later on :D The Rachel and Kurt song at the end was PERFECT! I just loved it! The best of the episode - but not part of the competition.. :)

Peter Moore

when the next reaction coming out?