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theoriginals 3x21 full.mp4 - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.



I remember when I first watch this episode I cried for a good hour. Like, my tv was literally paused. Netflix had done black out because the lack of interaction. And, I did not resume the episode until I look up spoilers and saw that Marcel wasn’t dead. I already lost Davina, I couldn’t lose Marcel too. Watching your reaction to this episode was so hard, itself. Because it took me right back to that day. I just don’t know if I could had kept watching the show. But, I never notice this parallel to season one before. Elijah was gonna killed Marcel, and he pointed out, that if he did killed him that Klaus wouldn’t forgive him. And, than two season later he does killed him, and Klaus is mad at him.


This was probably one of the absolute best episodes of the entire show. First there was Davina going out with a literal bang and then ofc the Marcel of it all. I just loved how Marcel constantly swayed between hurt, disappointment and just pure rage. He was right with everything he said - the Mikaelsons always do whatever it takes in the name of family and if push comes to shove would harm Marcel's family to protect themselves. So ofc he has a right to question why he should even consider himself part of the Mikaelson family when he constantly gets hurt by them. And it was so telling when Marcel said that drinking the serum would just make him their equal and they couldn't have that. Yes, Elijah saw the prophecy and thought Marcel would kill them all, but Klaus didn't. He could've said that he has no problem with being on the same level of power as Marcel, but alas that's not Klaus. Marcel was right about that too - Klaus always wants to have the upper hand. So I don't blame Marcel at all for doing what he did. He was entirely justified. But I also understand why Elijah did what he did. Elijah's sole purpose in life, the one thing that makes him who he is is to protect his family. And he saw Marcel threatening that so he impulsively killed him to protect them. Was it wrong? Absolutely. Do we as the audience understand why that was Elijah's impulse? Yes that too. And the prophecy is right: they will all fall - one by friend, one by foe and one by family. Because Marcel is all of the above.