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young royals 1x05 full.mp4 - Onehub

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Sara Nissen

I hate August for uploading the video, and yes he shouldn't have recorded it in the first place. I love that Wilhelm and Simon made up, and Sara got to be Lucia in the light parade, she looked so beautiful. It is a Scandinavian/Nordic tradition at many schools/places to have a light parade at the 13th of december to celebrate light/Saint Lucia, where they are dressed up in White and hold candles and the Lucia has a wreath with candles on their head, and they sing a special Lucia song.


This show gets heavier by the episode! Love the friendship between Felice and Sara - Felice was a bit standoffish in the first episode, but she's a really great character I feel! And Felice's mother sucks, just cos she and her mother wore that dress, I mean, they are both probably skinny white women, whereas Felice is more curvaceous, so obviously the dress might not be a perfect fit, deal with it lady, jeez. And yeah, the dad just turning up - even when he knows Sara doesn't want to see him - not cool! August really should have had faith in Wilhelm that he would want to help him out, after all Wilhelm had nothing against August - other than maybe finding him a bit annoying and overbearing, but I guess when you're a cynical character like August who keeps losing, it's easier to assume that everyone else is out to get you, better to get them first. Love how quick it turns around tho, and the look on his face when he locks eyes with Sara is pure panic as well, he really fucked up!


You've got to hand it to Young Royals -- every episode ends with a great cliffhanger.

Dennis Verner

Jay, "I think he had his breakfast already!" Dude! LOL