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ouat 6x06 full.mp4 - Onehub

Onehub is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and securely share business information and files with partners, customers, coworkers, and suppliers.



I always really enjoy Hook and Henry working together - Hook suggesting the "walking prisoner gag" and Henry being all "It's Wookie!" kills me every time xD Hook needs to watch some Star Wars xD I love the small detail when Hook meets Nemo on the Jolly Roger and asks who he is, and Nemo says "No one" - cos in Latin Nemo means no one. By the way, you should check out the song Nemo by Nightwish, amazing song :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIBdpFJyFkc

Melissa Amato

Thank you Jay. This ep is Soo Good. & Team up of Henry & Hook (Please Don't Shipp them.) Anyway I love how they added Nemo to Hook's tale, I wish there was more of Nemo, he's too good a Character they need a Sage in the show, like Gold used to be, till he became obsessed with another son. Emma saddens me... & I worry about her & Killian. After everything they should be happy. Eville Queen, & Gold again (Don't Shipp!) I miss Hide, poor Hide never asked to be a person, much less pay for Rumple's trickery. But I loved him, he was so debonair, yet Ruthless after being a Villian in the Untold Stories Realm. He was also the brainer one between the forgettable Dr. Jerkle & himself. If only when Killian saved sweet (Bad Ass) WHT** At least she had the Conk him OUAT Shell, Belle. But I love seeing Killian in action being a complete Hero, & not falling for a broken Kings trip. Where was Robin Hood & Charming?¿ Some back up. King Useless tries to kill Killian again. Sure go after the one handed Pirate with a drinking problem. Awe, Pan... RIP DUDE JUST WANTED TO PLAY!

Melissa Amato

Thank you Jay. Can't WAIT FOR YOUR Next Reaction to OUAT💗 Dude. Thank you Jay take care. 🧑🏻👩🏼💗 📕✍🏼 Best ship evr. The Rolley Jodger 🍻⛵💗 💗🌎💗🙋🏻‍♀️🐶C U LATER JAY🤭 LOL💗!✨🧚🌙


Haha loved your reaction at the end 😂

Justyna Nowak

Are you still watching this show? I haven't see you in a while