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TVD 7x16 full.mp4 * Onehub



Stefan annoys me in this episode. First, there all the stuff both Rayna and Valerie had to say about Damon. Neither of them had any relationship with Damon or even really knew him at all, which means their entire opinion of him is formed from things Stefan thought (in Rayna's case) or said (in Valerie's case). And he makes a big deal about Damon "abandoning" him without even acknowledging in the slightest that he did the exact same thing to Caroline. Three years, Rayna was locked up in the Armory, and Stefan could have spent that time with Caroline, but instead he spent it traveling the world with Valerie. There's also the issue with him expecting Damon to take the scar. I understand wanting to get rid of it, but expecting someone you claim you love to take it from you is just unconscionable. It's like needing a heart transplant and getting pissed off because someone you claim you love won't give you theirs.