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glee 1x20 full.mp4 * Onehub


Sara Nissen

Yes Burt is one of the best tv dads, and you are right, even as uncomfortable as the scene where he was telling Finn off was, it was so well done. I understand that Finn was uncomfortable, and what Kurt did was too much for him, but he could have handled it better. He redeemed himself in the end though by sticking up for Kurt in that kinda ridiculous outfit in front of Karofsky and the other guy that bullied Kurt, and he got help from the other glee members, that was great too. The performance of "Beth" from Puck to Quinn with help from the other guys is my favorite Puck performance of the entire show.


It was 2009 when this season came out. Definitely one of the best episodes. Glee missed the mark sometimes on the way they handled different social issues, but this one they got right. Can’t wait for the next reaction, hope it’s soon!

Phillip Grischa

Burt's speech was good and he was right but it annoys me that the episode seems to ignore how much of a creep Kurt is, what he did to Finn was borderline sexual harassment. Kurt has had a crush on Finn since the show started and that's ok, what's not ok is that Kurt doesn't accept that Finn is very obviously not interested. He set his father and Finn's mom up and got them together with the intention of getting closer to Finn and literally got him into his bedroom which redecorated to look like a love cave. Finn felt trapped and definitely wasn't comfortable in his new home and he lashed out, his language and use of the f-word was wrong and he deserved to be dressed down by Burt but Kurt deserved a speech about accepting boundaries and that "No means No". The situation is more complex than "Kurt is gay and Finn homophobic" and the show is usually aware of that, the way the first scene was written and directed with Kurt almost undressing an uncomfortable Finn with his eyes is telling but all of that is ignored in favor of giving the speech to the audience (because that's who it was directed at).


In fairness, we the audience know the whole story, but the characters have no idea. All Burt knows is Finn called his son the F word.


Lmao what the hell? Rachel has literally done the same shit and worse to get Finn's attention knowing he has a girlfriend too, so just because Kurt is gay means its sexual harassment? Kurt is a very young teenage boy with a crush, Finn could of literally said im sorry im not interested im straight, but all he did was blow up on kurt and called him a slur. Also, Kurt didn't make a love cave he literally just decorated the room there was nothing "love cave" about it. Calling this sexual harassment is a REACH

Phillip Grischa

It has nothing to do with Kurt being gay, the problem is Finn isn't interested and has never shown even the slightest hint of being attracted to Kurt. Rachel hit in Finn and he reciprocated those feelings, they had their first kiss in episode 2. it was a messy situation because if Quinn but it was nothing like what happened between Finn and Kurt. Finn also told Kurt he felt flattered but wasn't interested when he thought Kurt was asking him to a dance in Preggers, Kurt clearly didn't get the message. Kurt having a crush is perfectly fine, I literally wrote that in my first post. Setting up their parents to get Finn into his bedroom is on a completely different level, Kurt was a manipulative creep when he did that. Don't use "just because Kurt is gay" as a strawman because his sexuality isn't the issue.

Simone Poinga-Hill

This is one of my all time favourite eps :D


Comes Burting in, love it xD Definitely a great episode, and yeah much of it, not Finn's finest moment, but as you said, he does redeem himself at the end, of course, cos he obviously is a good guy. Poker Face never sounded better, let's be honest. This episode actually got me more into Lady GaGa - I wasn't really a big fan at the start, but this episode made me actually listen to the lyrics and made me want to delve into more of her stuff, and she really is an incredible artist. I'd love you to do a quick reaction to this performance by Idina Menzel, singing Poker Face and talking about the scene with Rachel, she makes some funny and accurate comments xD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSb0Lqx-3LI Maybe you could react to it like you've sometimes reacted to bloopers? :)


This is one of my all time favorite Glee episodes.


Exactly. I love Kurt , and the scene where Burt stood up for him, was wonderful. It show us that Burt may be uncomfortable with the situation, but at the end of day he loves Kurt. However even though I love Kurt and the standing up for him. He was beyond creepy and borderline predatory. If you can not see that, try switching the scenario. Imagine if a girl did all that to Kurt. Trying to get him to be straight. That being said, everyone else was not helping. Finn;s mom just telling him one day they are moving and to start selling his stuff. She didn`t even talk with him or give him time to process that his family was changing and he was leaving his home. The room was a disaster , which i think was the final straw. Finn is a typical guy he like sports , video games and usually just wears jeans and a t-shirt. Does anyone think he would be comfortable in a room that looks like the set of Moulin Rouge? Overall I glad Burt was supportive, and I still like Kurt . but this whole thing was trying to make Finn the bad guy and Kurt was just mind his business.