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Melanie Anderson

I’m soooo happy you’ve started season 6!!!!!! It is a WILD ride! It has some of the best revels ever and it pretty much solidified my opinion that Hook and Emma are the best tv series couple of all time (some really excellent scenes between them throughout the course of the season). Having said that, I have mixed emotions about the season - so many of my fav moments from the whole series and great episodes individually but the season as a whole is my least fav of the 6. I’m really looking forward to your reactions and opinions as the season plays out! 😀


I looooove the scenes with Regina and Snow bonding, they are so good! Zelena is still on that journey to try and be good, but obviously the Wicked Witch can't just overnight become a good hero, wouldn't be fun either to be honest. I do love the relationship and dynamic between Regina and Zelena, they really nail their performances! Zelena all cheerily talking about beating Hyde while putting Robin down is so funny to me, cos it's just Zelena in a nutshell, like even though becoming a parent has changed and softened her, she still has every intention of being a badass and setting an example for her daughter, whether it's one one side or the other, well, time will tell!

Melissa Amato

Jafar, sends chilling info about Savour's to Aladdin. Hyde is now owner of Story Brooke, & is already far more formidable, then Hades, appeared. Emma & Hook, are finally allowed to have some, loving, & Netflix chill time, with wine & Hyde has caused the Towne to rock with his noisy friends, as a Led Zeplinn crashes everyone's party. Thank you Jay. OUAT is just amazing. I adore your Reactions to it & more. Thank you. 🧑🏻👩🏼💗⚓⚔️✨🧚✨💗🌎💗

Melissa Amato

Blessings sent, to everyone & hope your ok, dude. ✨✨🌙🌙✨ 📺🍿🥤🧚💗 👩🏻🐶💗

Alex A Alvarenga

I remember watching the pilot on YouTube with you years ago.. he came so far I have a quick question after season 7 would you be interested in watching the spin-off on here #OnceUponATimeINWonderland 🙌💥🧚‍♀️🎩🐰👸🏾👳‍♂️🧙🏽‍♂️🧞‍♂️🧞‍♂️

Justyna Nowak

I can't wait for another episode:)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Savior- Wow!! I really enjoy this episode a lot. And I have to say, so much was reveal in just one episode that it's hard to decide which storyline I would like to talk about first... I think I will start with Regina and her hope speech at the end of the episode. I love her turn around and how Henry and Snow both are able to help her to finally have hope that Robin has moved on and that she is at peace after all, despite what Hades told her about Robin's soul having been obliterated. I believe Henry is right about how Hades lied to make Regina feel the overwhelming guilt over Robin's death. I always believed that Regina's happy ending wasn't Robin alone. She always wanted to be at peace with herself and to find a family, friends, and a home where she truly belongs and now she's begun to see that she has exactly that. If Robin's soul has been able to move on to the afterlife, then my thoughts above about the feather floating down is correct. As for Regina's fight with Zelena, I have to admit that I love it because it makes sense and fits Zelena's character much better than her simply becoming a hero right now like Regina and Hook had. Although... I do wish she and Regina would try a little harder and not constantly butt heads with one another. Also... I love that it seems Zelena may side with the Evil Queen who appears at the very end to reveal she's still alive to someone other than the Dragon. I look forward to you seeing what she has in store for everyone. I really love where this season takes the Evil Queen and what she has in store for each of the characters this season. I love her! Next... I would like to discuss Belle's and Rumple's storyline. I wasn't really sure what to expect when this storyline started, other than that Morpheus was going to be a part of Belle's dream world. However, I had a good feeling that Belle was going to refuse to stay with Rumple and boy was I right. And I am so happy because I love this strong and independent side of Belle. This being said... I love the Beauty and the Beast moment between Belle and Rumple like they did before in season four's premiere... A Tale of Two Sisters, as the song, Beauty and the Beast plays in the background while they dance, and with Belle in her beautiful golden ball gown. It's too bad Gold didn't change his coat into the blue and gold one he wore in that scene in season four this time too, but that's a very minor nitpick of course. The one part of their storyline I was actually surprised by is that Morpheus turns out to be their unborn son. I did not see this coming and I absolutely love it. I wondered how Rumple was going to be able to awaken Belle, but it turns out he didn't. Their son wakes with True Love's Kiss and this is a great twist! And now finally onto Emma's and Hook's storyline... Well, really just Emma's. I really enjoy the whole storyline of Emma's vision of herself fighting against and getting killed by a mysterious cloaked figure. And I love that Hyde's has knowledge of the Saviors' fates to offer her some information with which he may be able to use as leverage to be granted favors from. However, I really hate that Emma is keeping her visions secret from her family and especially from Killian. I feel badly for him because you can see he just wants to help her. Although... I do hate that Killian leaves Emma alone in the forest after dark, especially knowing something's very wrong with her. It's very out of character for him to do in spite of him being stubborn. With all this being said... Emma had a premonition while down in the Underworld when she saw her mother die from the mysterious creature. The creature turned out to be Ruby in her wolf form and Emma was able to keep that from happening and so this gave me some hope that Emma will also be able to change her own fate too, despite what Hyde tells her in the asylum beneath Whale's clinic, and what Jafar tells Aladdin in the beginning of this episode. Emma is terrified after the Oracle reveals the truth to her and rightly so. I can't wait to you seeing who this villain is that will be her supposed downfall. I didn't want to believe that it will be the Evil Queen, Rumpelstiltskin, Hyde, or even Jafar because I think it would be too obvious. Although in a way, it would bring the show around full circle if Emma's greatest villain turns out to be the Evil Queen, as Emma is the one who defeated her in season one when she broke Regina's dark curse. In a way, it would be fabulous too. Any one of them being the big villain under the hood would be great in their own way. Now... I love the brief lovely moment between Killian and Emma in the beginning before they are interrupted by those coming over from the Land of Untold Stories. It's great to see them both so happy, even though their happiness is very sadly so short lived. Next... I really like the confrontations between the heroes and Hyde, especially when they finally bring him down. And I enjoy the confrontations between him and Emma inside the asylum. He isn't out of the story yet. He will definitely be back. I look forward to you seeing what's coming and meeting all of the new possible characters that have been brought over with Hyde from the Land of Untold Stories, as well as seeing old characters return. I think, or at least hope that you will really enjoy all that's to come! Oh... and I also really love seeing Archie again with his dog, Pongo. I am happy he's back too. It's been far too long. I've missed seeing him, whom we haven't really seen too much of since season two. I love the beginning when Jafar appears to Aladdin in order to introduce the Savior arc and to taunt him, saying that Saviors can't have their own happy endings. Apparently, Jafar has come across more than one, as has Mr. Hyde. We also see Aladdin's hand shaking just as we see Emma's do throughout the episode. And lastly... I really love learning that there has been more than one Savior, and that Aladdin is one of them along with Emma too. I love the idea of this season bringing about a Savior mythology, and overall... it's a great story arc. Overall... a great episode and fantastic start to season six! So, thank you very much for your reaction for season six's premiere, Jay! I can't wait for many more reactions for Once Upon a Time from you to come! Sincerely, Heidi