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ouat 5x19 FULL.mp4 * Onehub


Melanie Anderson

Yay!!!!! LOVE the backstory of Regina and Zelena - such a good episode and loved your reactions! Now we FINALLY get to the 2 episodes I have been waiting the whole series for!!!!!! My recommendation is that you watch the next 4 as 2 and 2!!!!!! Glad you’re starting to feel a bit better - nice to see your face again! 😉


Glad to have you back with us, Jay :) I concur with Melanie, definitely do the next 4 episodes as 2x2. This episode just rips my heart out and shoves it back in multiple times. Who would have ever imagined that Cora, of all people, would get such a beautiful redemption and ending? She really is a different person with her heart in her chest! I so feel for Zelena, she is really tormented about so many things, understandably. Seeing Regina and Zelena in a tearful, yet happy embrace just kills me, it's such a beautiful moment! The rest of the season is just as big of an emotional roller coaster as this episode, so strap in!

Linda McDonough Garcia

Glad to have you back & hope you’re doing better. I enjoyed your reaction as always. Even though I loved the backstory with Regina & Zelena & loved their underworld scenes even more I don’t feel Cora deserved to move on to a better place. I’m a member of many OUAT fan groups on Facebook & that’s always a debated topic. Many feel as I do that Cora did way too many awful things for many many years & that giving Zelena & Regina their memories back wasn’t enough to make up for it. I do give Cora credit for finally doing the right thing & not only thinking of herself & I was so glad the girls got the closure they deserved. Their final scenes in the underworld always get me emotional. But, as far as Cora is concerned I think it was too little too late. She was a manipulative selfish mother & she never tried to make up for that while she was alive. I know Regina did many awful things in her life as the evil Queen & in Storybrooke the first two seasons but she’s spent the last three seasons making up for that & she deserves her happiness. Cora might deserve forgiveness from Regina & Zelena but I don’t think she deserved to move on like she did. I’m looking forward to your reactions to the rest of the season. And as emotional as this episode was the next few episodes are even more so.


Glad to see you back posting again, I hope everything is going better for you now!