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Hey all, I just wanna take the time to apologize about the lack of videos over the last week or two, it’s been a very rough time for me and I found out my ex has moved on to someone else in basically less than a month, I feel selfish for caring about that, as I wish the best for her, but we were together almost 4 years so it seems so fast? I just wanna be upfront with you guys as this has left me in such a down mood and I couldn’t give you the videos I wanna give you while feeling like this, with that being said, I am getting better, and I’ve been talking to many friends and they’ve helped me through all of this and I appreciate them so much, so with that being said, I’m easing my way back into making videos, I have a few that are ready to go up, and I’ll have many more soon. I hope you all understand, I will see you soon, much love.



always here for you jay, that’s pretty shitty of her to do. 🥺💖

Alec Campo

Really sorry your feeling down man. Sounds like a crappy situation. Glad your getting the support you need! Take your time to get back to videos.

Alex A Alvarenga

I'm sorry to hear that Homie don't worry take your time we're here for you your supporters will always be here no matter if you drop videos or not that's all about you throwing positive energy out Aloha from hawaii

Bailee (Cayden)

i’m so sorry jay, take all the time you need. heartbreak is tough and your mental health comes first. we are all here for you ❤️

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I am so terribly sorry, dear friend. Please do not worry about us hereon Patreon at all. You need to take care of yourself and make sure you are in the right place to be able to enjoy doing what you love. I'm sure all of us who support you here understand. My heart goes out to you, and I truly wish you all the happiness in the world. I am excited for more Once Upon a Time, but don't push yourself into creating reactions, until you are truly ready. We can wait, I promise you. Be well, and most of all... be happy! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Sara Nissen

Yes that was really fast, sorry to hear that, but good, that you're slowly getting better. Some things take time to deal with, so don't rush anything. Take your time and we'll look forward to your new videos, when they come. Take care, hugs.


That sucks i hope you get back to videos soon i love your reactions

Krista Han

Oh wow. It's never easy, no matter how much you want to conceal your feelings. You just gotta let them through and then start the healing process~ I'm sending you lots of virtual hugs and positive vibes to get through this time 🙏

Hannah Collett

No need to apologise Jay! I hope you're doing ok, what a crappy situation and I'm so sorry you're going through it

Amanda P

Take as much time as you need! I've been there and it sucks 😔 just know you have lots of people who care about you! 💜


Oh no 🥺 i’m so sorry💙 just have the faith and hope that once upon a time has taught you💞 i hope you feel better soon. much love 😘


I hope you're okay, Jay. Take care of yourself


{{{hugs}}} take as much time as you need.

Alyssa Bernd

Take as much time as u need! Ive been sorta on the other end of that...I broke up with a guy BC i liked someone else and didnt really like him anymore...I still feel like a dick. I havnt even gotten any sorta chance with the guy i like...anyway, sry for the minor rant lol. Im just saying she might feel kinda bad about it too.❤

Luke Nevill-Bond

Don't apologise Jay. Take as much time as you need. Hope you are okay. ❤️

Krista Han

Just wanna throw this quick quote here that I just discovered: 'if you lost someone, but found yourself, you won' and that hit me real deep~ Hope this gives strength to you too. ^^


Oh my goodness. I am so sorry Jay. I know that it is horrible, yet there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. You have you’re friends and you’re fans here. Hope that you get well with you’re heart.

Mara Smith



omg Jay I'm so sorry. please take all the time you need. I'm sending virtual hugs your way :)


Awwww I had wondered. Yes please take time that you need. I know will be hard with the holidays. I hope for you to be in a better place soon and to have a Merry Christmas.


So sorry to hear that Jay, take all the time you need, please feel better!!!


Sorry to hear that Jay. Sending positivity your way and wishing you a good start to the new year! Take the time you need and look forward to future reactions:)


Sorry to hear that 😔 Take as much time as you need to get better! It’s important that you take care of yourself first ❤️ ((virtual hugs)) 🤗

Ron Salon

Jay, I didn't know you and Nat broke up. I'm sorry for your pain. I hope you can find a way to be happy again. I'm giving you a big ol' bear hug, dude.


Sorry to hear it Jay. Don't worry about videos or anything, take all the time you need, you'll still have a whole bunch of people who care about you when you come back. Look after yourself mate. ❤️

Joana Alves

I’m so sorry ! Take all the time you need we will be here when you are ready ❤️


I feel you. My ex (fiance I might add) left me a couple of weeks ago via phone after over 4 years. Now he´s already moved in with some other guy, redecorated our entire place and they got a fricking dog. Hope you get through this tough time better than I do, I could just effin kill the bast***


I didn't know you'd broken up. I'm so sorry to hear that. Her loss! Take all the time you need to heal and get back on your feet.


Blame it on 2020 -- worst year ever.


Don't neglect taking care of yourself <3 You'll get through it, I promise, even though it sucks. Sending lots of love

Johanna Nel

I am sorry that you are going through a rough time. Please know that your Patreon family is here for you. Take care of yourself. In the words of the awesome Magnus Bane: 'It is not something you make better with magic. You head straight into it and cry your eyes out.' Hang in there and look after yourself. It will get better. Know that you have more friends than you know and that you are loved. Lots of love from sunny South Africa