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Charmed 2x08 FULL.mp4 * Onehub



This episode really broke me. Prue is such a strong person. Also, can Leo and Piper be perfectly happy with each other forever ? Thank you x)

Amanda P

This episode always makes me cry at the end, such a sweet way for him to go. Phoebe always kinda pisses me off this episode, immediately just blaming Sam and being rude like I get it but don't jump to conclusions. The piper and leo moments and parallel to sam and patty is so good especially when theyre reading the letters and its like they're saying it to eachother 😭 I always laugh when Jack says prue looks rrrooowrrr 🤣 because she definitely wears some uh interesting clothes to work. Such a great episode


I will say though, the way Prue said "I know someone who can find out what happened!" was a bit unfair. As Phoebe said, Prue flinches when someone compares her to her mom, yet doesn't see the issue with Phoebe having to relive something like that using her powers? She could of asked her if she'd do it rather than basically telling her. I get the whole thing was stressful on all three of the sisters, but putting Phoebe on the spot like that was a bit unfair. Jack is both hilarious yet annoying XD Better than her last co-workers that were out to kill her I guess :p I don't mind Dan, he just seems a bit bland? I don't know. Maybe I'm just really biased to Piper being with anyone but Leo! I still miss Andy though. I wish we got more time with him.


Definitely a heavy episode, very emotional. I always felt like Prue was wearing an armor and in this episode she really manages to break some of it off. Prue was always the one who made me feel the most and deepest overall, Phoebe and Piper do hit me as well, but there's just something about Prue, like almost a constant melancholy that really makes me connect to her a lot. I think Dan is probably the most decent, sweet guy on Charmed throughout the entire series. Also, he's really cute xD I kinda love Jack, he's silly and sometimes a bit too immature but I do like the comic relief he offers, while still having an actual meaning, he's not just a plot device which I appreciate.

Samuel Fernandez

I love how invest it you are with Piper and Leo... Dan is the perfect man, almost makes Leo kinda imperfect at times, but Leo is the one. I forgot how intense this episodes is...uff