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Scream 4 reaction.mp4 * Onehub



My second favorite movie of my favorite horror franchise! I love this movie so much man, it was so great for how little hope everyone had in it.

Fly on the Wall

Interesting to note here that Kevin Williamson originally intended on this being the first piece of a new trilogy and the hospital scene was tacked on by the writer of Scream 3. Scream 4 was supposed to end at the house after Jill seemingly gets away with the murders with one final cliffhanger shot of someone telling Dewey someone in the house survived and we weren't going to know who until Scream 5, but the consensus is it would have been Kirby so Scream 5 could happen with Jill living her celebrity filled life becoming a fake survivor. As much as I love Sidney, I actually wish Jill had survived and won because before the tacked on ending in the hospital, it really felt like a fresh ending with Jill perfectly planning her ruse and being carted out the final girl. And it would have taken Scream 5 in such a new and excited direction. One fan theory even suggests someone knows she killed everyone and Jill herself is targeted by a new Ghostface...possibly the surviving Kirby?

Fly on the Wall

I agree with you. It truly was a master plan. She had it all mapped out brilliantly. Her prowess to think this far ahead is genius. And she's one boss bitch. Stabbing herself, ripping out her own hair, jumping through a glass table. Totally impressive for a teen to totally brutalize yourself like that. Really makes me wish she got away with it as originally scripted. She earned it imo. That's sick, right? Well, sick is the new sane. I just realized Jill even says "The ending was supposed to be at the house. This is just silly." LMAO

Fly on the Wall

You're a madman for putting Scream 4 first, but I don't blame you. I was quite high on it when I first saw it. I'd also say Emma Roberts was my favorite thing about this film. Jill Roberts was great. Her performance was subtle when it needed to be and over-the-top when it called for it. I've became a huge fan of hers after this film. Sorry for three comments in a row. Just commentating as I watch. I really enjoyed your Scream reactions. Thank you. It's crazy how good all of these films are because I adore Scream 2. I'd probably put 3 last, but barely.


This one was so stupid. But that won't stop me from watching 5 eventually lol