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Glee 1x08 full.mp4 * Onehub



Neil Diamond sings Sweet Caroline.

Sara Nissen

Yeah Puck has a good voice, and sweet Caroline was a good choice. I never liked The thong song, and Wills performance didn't help. It was kinda fun to see them throw a slushie at Will in the end.


Sue and Schuester dancing genuinely makes me giddy, it is just such a sweet scene and the music choice is classic! The rare moments where Sue is happy and kind are some of the best moments of Glee in my opinion. I feel very ambivalent towards Schuester, always have. And I have to say, rewatching the show with the knowledge of what has happened with/to a variey of the actor on the show kind of puts a twist on the feeling of nostalgia I get at the same time. Also clearly a very different time this was made compared to today, so much of the show would have been very different today, but in a way I like that, cos it does show that in the amount of time that has passed we have actually come quite a long way regarding inclusivity and acceptance - even though there's still miles to go of course, but yeah.

Sara Nissen

Yes the moments where Sue is truely happy are also some of my favorites.

Anna Hunt

I do agree, this is just a fun episode to watch. The Sue scenes are entertaining, and the cat monologue she has is iconic. I hate to pay Mark Salling a compliment, but I do like his version of Sweet Caroline here. I agree with Mads, watching this show after knowing about the cast members feels different, especially after discussing some of them literally this morning in my mental health class. But overall this is a fun episode, and I can't wait for the next few. There are some fun ones coming up!

Aaron Lopez

Patiently waiting for the iconic episodes