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My camera had a few minor freezes in this reaction where the screen would glitch so if you see a few small cuts at the beginning that's why lol  


OUAT 5x16 FULL.mp4 * Onehub



ohh🥺 April 15th this episode is just an emotional wreck😭 Zelena giving her daughter to Regina & Robin is just so emotional. Belle finds out she’s pregnant, baby Neal, heard Snow & Charming, this episode was just so happy :)


My heart just breaks for Zelena in this episode - it's really the first time we see just how tormented she feels and how little selfworth she has. I'm glad Belle finally learned the truth - again! - about Rumple, she deserves to know, otherwise how could he expect her to make any kind of choice about him? I like the glasses by the way :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Our Decay- Thank you once again for another fun reaction to Once Upon a Time, Jay! I do enjoy this episode, but it is most definitely one of my least favorite episodes within this season. These next three episodes really aren't that great for me, because I feel like there are a lot of flaws in them that I would change. Personally, while I can tolerate the whole Hades/Zelena romance, and even find it entertaining at times... there is a lot within their overarching storyline I would change. I also don't like that Belle has been brought down to the Underworld because I really don't care much at all about this storyline between her and Rumple for quite awhile from now and moving forward. And then... I am not a big fan of Dorothy and her storyline with the Scarecrow. First... I really enjoy the banter and dialogue between Zelena and Hades throughout this episode, and I love learning about how Hades has become the God of the Underworld upon learning that Zeus has stopped his heart. I even like that in order for him to be able to become free and leave the Underworld once and for all, that he must earn True Love's Kiss, and I love that this is what Hades is seeking, even though I don't believe that such a goal is possible for Hades. And yet the scene with them riding the bike is really cute. I love that it's a nod to The Wizard of Oz, given that Moira Gulch rides a bicycle before she's shown as the Wicked Witch of the West. I love that Zelena doesn't fall for Hades' proclamation of love, and that she refuses to give into his charm in spite of her love she feels for him. I do believe that Hades might feel something for Zelena, but just like Zelena says, I don't believe he would give up his revenge against his brother just to be with her. I don't believe his love for Zelena is True Love. However, I really couldn't care less about the whole storyline with Hades helping Zelena to find Dorothy and to capture the Scarecrow for his brains. I hate how weak of a character the Scarecrow is and how his character is animated, rather than him being played by an actual actor. I also think that Dorothy is written to be pretty boring. I also really don't care much for Zelena's present day storyline upon her coming down into the Underworld and seeking to run away from Hades to try to protect her child. I don't like how Wishy Washy Zelena is shown to be, even though I can understand her storyline. She does truly just want what is best for her daughter, and you can see that she does love her. And I appreciate seeing a soft side to her for a change. And then... we learn at last why Hades has designed the upper level of the Underworld to look like Storybrooke, as a way of trying to convince Zelena that he loves her and has changed. Because he believes that even now, Zelena still wants everything that her sister has. To rule her own version of Storybrooke. It makes sense, but I don't really love this story idea. As for Rumple's storyline with Belle throughout this episode... I completely get where you're coming from in regards to your anger towards Rumple. He is absolutely a scumbag. I hate his attitude and coldness towards Belle. Although... I do have to admit that it is actually nice to see Rumple finally show his true colors even to Belle, and to stop trying to pretend to be a good man. Because he certainly isn't one any longer. Not right now he isn't. And I do feel badly for Belle. She deserves so much more. Next... I enjoy Henry's smaller storyline throughout this episode, in spite of his emo teenager attitude in the beginning, which really kind of annoys me. More so... I do love how Henry has begun to write new pages for the new storybook he's become the keeper of as the Author, even though he's begun writing and drawing these pages while asleep, which is interesting. And I especially love the moment he shares the page he's written to show Snow and Charming that their message to their son has gotten through to him. Which brings me to the storyline I love most within this episode. I love that Snow and Charming come to realize that they've been down in the Underworld too long thanks to the Blind Witch upon her calling them regulars within her diner. I like how she then tells the Charmings how they can contact their son within the living world through a magical phonebooth, in exchange for David breathing into a vial. I love that we learn that the breath of the living is something that can be something of great worth in the Underworld's version of the black market. Very interesting indeed. Also, like you... I love getting to know the Blind Witch more and more. She's a fantastic character brought into this season! Another of my favorite moments... is when Robin and Regina talk about why he hasn't named his daughter yet, and how he and Regina have come down to the Underworld to save Killian so they can help a friend who needs them, and so they can show his daughter an example of heroism. I really appreciate this. And lastly... I love the brief scenes with Killian, Emma, Regina, Henry, Robin, and the Charmings. Like I mentioned... these are my favorite scenes within this entire episode no matter how small they are. I do wish that Killian and Emma were in this episode more, but you're right that we have gotten a lot of focus on them lately, so I definitely can understand them not being shown too much in this episode. Overall... this episode is just okay, but it's still enjoyable to watch. And I loved watching your reaction for it like I always do. So, thank you again, Jay!! :) Sincerely, Heidi