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glee 1x05 full.mp4 * Onehub



I hate April so much but Kristen Chenoweth is a Goddess


Also the full studio version of somebody to love is much better. Artie and Mercedes have a verse too.

Sara Nissen

I know Rachel is ambitious and has a goal, and that you often have to take action yourself for things to happen, but yes she should also know, that the world does not only revolve around her, and if you step on people on your way to your goal, it might be lonely, when you reach it. April needs to sober up, and many of the "tricks" she was trying to teach them was bad. She was trying to seem cool and fun and important again in the students eyes, because she hadn't been that since high school it seemed, but it wasn't really that responsable. Glad she realised, that it was the students that needed to shine and not her.

Rochelle Dunlap

The songs they had April sing really didn’t do justice to Kristen Chenoweth’s voice, she is an amazing singer. Check out the Wicked soundtrack if you really want to hear her shine.

Melanie Anderson

LOVE this episode!!!!! April cracks me up and the irony is Kristen Chenoweth is one of the HUGEST stars on broadway - the original Glinda in Wicked - her versatility is AMAZING!!!!!!! Chris Coffer (Kurt) said in an interview one time that he was soooo star struck the first day she was on set cause she has always been his one lady crush!!!!! AND the final number is incredible - first time you see all 12 in action together and they kill it and I love the song!!!!!

Haughtbreaker Nic

lol watching you debate the talent of Kristin Chenoweth hurt my soul a little but she was meant to be a mess.


April is a fun character, and even tho she's pretty off the rails, she's somehow got more insight than Schuester at the end. And I have to say that when she sings Maybe This Time along with Rachel, for me, Rachel completely falls short, April just gives it so much more sensuality and personality in a way that Rachel just does not manage. And like it's been said in the comments, Kristin Chenoweth is one of the biggest, most talented names to have been on Broadway - and I agree with Rochelle Dunlap, listen to the Wicked Soundtrack, she is fantastic! As is Idina Menzel, who also guests on Glee in the future, something to look forward to :) And the note at the end of Maybe This Time has been famously dubbed The Cheno Note, cos it's kind of her signature, there are several compilations of Cheno Notes on YouTube, here's one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouySgzTsGXE :D

Mark Wood

One of the things people need to take into account on songs is what is being sung. It's like listening to someone sing a beautiful version of Les Miserables "I dreamed a Dream". If its beautiful then they completely f'ed up the song. It's a heart breaking soul shattering look at the utter despair your life has become. You might not care for "April's" tonal quality (after all that's very subjective). But she is vastly superior than "Rachel" at putting the emotion and life experiences of what that character in Cabaret is supposed to be expressing in song.

Staton Chapman

Rachel might be the star and is talented but her personality ruins her for me


The most narsisistic people are more often than not the most insecure. So she acts this way because she is insecure, and she wants to feel good enough and get validation. Eventhough I like Rachel, I understand why some people don't.