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ouat 5x13 full.mp4 * Onehub


Krista Han

Yeeeesss 🙏 One of my favorite episodes 🤗 I'll watch this in like an hour or so 😇


Such an enjoyable episode! Can I just throw Disney's animated Hercules from 1997 in as a suggestion for movie monday?? Since you haven't watched it I think it would be a GREAT movie monday reaction! It's one of the absoulte best Disney classics, no doubt! You will love it! Herc's arms, I know, like, woof, nuff said! xD I've been looking forward to the scene where Mary Margaret declares that she wants to be Snow White again for ages, it's a really cool moment, and the scenes with her and Regina in this episode are really great as well. Also it still amazes me ho much young Snow looks like adult Snow, the casting in this show is just superbly on point! Oh, and you know how you at one point said that you wanted Hercules to break out in song (which he of course does in the Disney version) and how there needs to be a musical episode of Once Upon a Time? Well .... funny you should say that - stay tuned! ;) Glad the hurricane decided to go around you and that you only had to deal with rain :) We like you safe and smiley ^_^


I love this episode. Gotta admit when it first aired i kinda sorta shipped Snow and Hercules in the flashbacks cos it was hella cute. I also always have to laugh when Snow falls into that ditch. I don't know why but it just cracks me up.

Melanie Anderson

Yay!!!!!! LOVE this episode!!!!! Soooo glad you finally saw it!!!!!! I think you should skip movie night suggestions and just watch Disney’s Hercules next Monday (FYI - Meg is in it too! 😀) Can’t WAIT for you to see the next one - it’s super good too!!!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Labor of Love- Thank you so much for another great reaction for a pretty great episode, Jay. I enjoy this episode a lot. And it certainly brings up nostalgic feelings as I always think of Disney's, Hercules. I've always enjoyed Hercules and all of its characters. It's just a lot of fun, and this episode of Once Upon a Time always bring back those fond memories I have from watching it as often as I have. :) I really love Jonathan Whitesell in the role of Hercules throughout this episode. Both in the present day storyline, and in the backstory between him and young Snow too, of course. This actor plays Hercules very well, and I love his chemistry with both Ginnifer Goodwin and with Bailee Madison. And I just really enjoy his overall story arc throughout this episode. Enough to feel like I will miss him now that he and Megara have moved on from the Underworld. I certainly wish he would have been more of a character throughout this Underworld arc. As for Megara, or Meg... For me, she's just okay. Kacey Rohl plays this role fine, but I honestly feel she's a little boring. I wish that this actress played Meg with a little more spunk so she could be a little more like her character from the Disney movie, whom I love because of her spunk. Plus... throughout most of this episode, I felt like there was a twist coming that never actually happened. A twist that I would have really liked too, but sadly we don't get it. Throughout most of this episode, I expected some kind of twist where it would be revealed that Megara was working with Hades. Unwillingly of course, much like she does in the Disney movie. I felt like this was where her story arc was going, but no. Instead, we really do just get a damsel in distress. It's not a bad thing. I just hoped for a little more with her character. I hoped to see her being forced to work with Hades against her will, until Hercules and the rest of our heroes helped her to be free of him. I think her character would have been much better if her story had been written a little differently. Nonetheless... I really enjoy Hercules' and Megara's overall story. I love how Mary Margaret has to help remind Hercules of the true hero he really is after forgetting for a while because he had failed in his final labor and died upon being killed by Cerberus. And I absolutely love that it is because of her time spent with Hercules again, and thanks to Regina as well, that Mary Margaret is reminded of who she really is as Snow White, and chooses to remain Snow White, not Mary Margaret any longer. Mary Margaret suits her back throughout season one, but she is definitely Snow White to me. :) Now... the first of my favorite scenes is the moment when Hades appears and first introduces himself to Emma, Snow, Regina, and comes before his nephew too. I love how Greg Germann plays Hades, and I love how dark his character makes the Underworld feel. And of course I hate that Hades is enjoying torturing and tormenting poor Killian, I also love it too. Because while Hades isn't the Devil because the Underworld isn't technically Hell, it makes so much sense that he would be so cruel and manipulative. Hades is the God and ruler of the Underworld. He isn't always portrayed to be evil all of the myths and stories about Hades, but I love seeing him being portrayed as such. But back to this scene where Hades comes before our heroes... I love how he mocks each of them, until he then turns to Emma and cruelly reveals Killian's now bloodied hook in order to hurt her by showing her that he has been torturing the man she loves. This is just a brilliantly acted scene, especially by Hades and Emma too. I love it! A few more of my favorite scenes are those between Killian and Hades as well. I am so happy that we finally get more with Killian, since in the previous episode... Souls of the Departed, we barely see him. Not for more than a few seconds at most. And while it is heartbreaking to see Killian so bloodied and in so much pain, it makes sense that Hades would be paying him so much attention since the living heroes have come down from their world above and are disrupting his world by helping his subjects and prisoners trapped in his realm to move on. Sadly, Killian is currently Hades' best bargaining chip and shield against them all. Killian is his best way to hurt them, especially Emma. And through all of Hades' torment and pain inflicted upon him... Killian remains strong and brave, and refuses to allow this evil God to see his fear and pain. And I love him all the more for it! :) And my final favorite moment within this episode, comes in the end when Snow reveals to David that she no longer wants to be Mary Margaret any longer, but Snow White again instead. And she smiles at Regina because Regina helped her to fight through her funk. And then... like you, I love seeing Charming smile at her as he calls his wife Snow again, which he really hasn't done for some time now. I too love, love, love the way Charming looks at Snow. And knowing that their love for one another is truly real because the actors are married in real life, makes the way they both look at one another that much more powerful and special. Thanks to Snow, both Hercules and Megara are able to meet again and are finally able to move on from the Underworld, because they are able to defeat Cerberus together. And I love this. Cerberus' defeat seems too easy for sure. And even the special effects for this Hellhound aren't all that great, except for when we only see its red glowing eyes. But I still love the overall idea of Hercules having to defeat this Hellhound being the way to help him and Megara movie on. And I love that they move on together, as they walk into the light together hand in hand that leads them to Mount Olympus... their own Heaven. It's beautiful. I also really appreciate that Megara takes a moment to tell Emma that it is thanks to Hook that she was able to become free at last. And that she asks Emma to let Killian know that he was right to trust her. While Megara is just an okay character for me, this moment for her makes me like her a bit more than I initially did throughout the rest of this episode, and it makes me really love that we're able to see the beginning of her love story with Hercules that we know from Disney's, Hercules. I love seeing Emma, Regina, Robin, Henry, Snow, and Charming all work together in the beginning to find Killian before they move on with trying to help others. And while Snow does find Hercules and they all help him and Megara to move on instead before they find Killian, they do so while still searching for Killian and for a way to save him. I love the backstory between Hercules and young Snow, and seeing how Hercules is the one to teach Snow how to fight with a bow and arrow, while he also helps her to find her confidence within herself. The confidence she needs so she can become the Princess and Queen her people need her to be. And I really love the moment of their shared kiss, which I suspect is probably Snow's first kiss. More so... while this kiss between them is adorable, I love that no romance comes between them. Because you can see that their kiss is more of a kiss showing us that they have simply grown fond of one another. Just very dear friends. Also... I love the moment we see David become a little bit jealous upon learning that Snow knew Hercules, whom he of course knows to be a God, or rather a Demi-God. David's jealousy in this moment is very cute. And I love that Snow sees it as only his way of teasing her a little. So cute! Next... I love that we have a smaller storyline between Henry and Robin, who split off from the others to continue with their search for Killian by seeking out a possible way of finding him faster. Which leads to Henry coming face to face again with Cruella. I love his conversation with Cruella while inside of the Underworld's version of his mother's office. Cruella is a fantastic villain, and I love that by our heroes coming down into the Underworld, it allows for us to see all of these past villains again like Cruella. I also love that Cruella reveals information to Henry and to us about the Author's quill, saying that it is a living entity capable of dying, which means that it too is down here in the Underworld. I hate that Henry doesn't tell Robin about having met Cruella, but I love this confrontation. And while Cruella taunts Henry by reminding him of how Emma had killed her, and claims that by him helping her to come back to life again would dissolve Emma of her act of murder... I completely disagree. First of all... Emma did not murder Cruella. She defended Henry, fearing for her son's life and not knowing that Cruella wasn't actually able to hurt him. So, Emma has no need of being dissolved of murder. She just needs to find peace with herself upon having to kill her. And second... even if Emma had actually murdered Cruella, she still initially committed such an act because Cruella is dead and here in the Underworld. Bringing Cruella back from the dead most certainly wouldn't absolve Emma of said murder because it still happened. And then... I love the beginning when Killian reveals to Megara that he had heard Emma's message to him that she was here to find and save him, and that he believes Emma truly has come for him because he believes so deeply in their love for one another. And I love how Killian is willing to sacrifice his chance at freedom and to find Emma, so that Megara can run to her freedom from their prison instead. Knowing full well that by doing so, it would mean more torture and torment for him. I love Killian!! :) And lastly... I completely share in your growing hatred for Gold all the more upon seeing how much Killian is suffering for his sacrifice that Gold had cruelly taken from him. And I appreciate hearing you express these insights. So, thank you! Overall... I love this episode very much. It's a lot of fun and it's beautiful too. I love getting to know Hercules a little, and seeing his friendship with Snow. And I love that the events within this episode allows for Snow to become Snow White again, not just Mary Margaret. Regina and Hercules are wonderful for helping her to see that Snow is stronger than just Mary Margaret. I love Labor of Love! Thank you once more for an amazing reaction, Jay! Sincerely, Heidi