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doctor who 1x13 FULL.mp4 * Onehub



"I can see the whole of time and space, every single atom of your existence, and I divide them". Love that line so much. It's so badass. I love this two parter, probably my favourite finale of a DW series. It's just perfect. The regeneration at the end is also my favourite because being only like 9 at the time, I was Rose in that scene. I didn't know what was happening or who he'd turn into. Unfortunately nowadays everybody knows when a regeneration is gonna happen and who the next Doctor will be. I'd much prefer it if it was a surprise still. I always remember my immediate thought of seeing David for the first time was "oooo he's much younger". The 9th Doctor had a short time but amazing series. Series 1 will always be one of my favourites. You're in for a treat with David now though. =D


Your first Doctor is always special! Thanks for putting this up quickly...oh, there's so much ahead of you! I can't wait!


You never forget your first Doctor! And this season finale is a masterpiece!! My one and only problem with it is that I want to know: what was the favor Jackie owed Rodrigo for borrowing the truck?


Oh hell yeah, I was dreading a bit of a wait for the finale, thanks for getting this one out so soon! Eccleston did a really good job, but I'm sure you'll love Tennant. :)

Michael T

Congrats on your first regeneration! Just so you know Tennant is the 10th doctor and you’ve been watching the 9th doctors adventures 🙂


Are you able to turn the episode volume down at all? It's drowning out your voice quite a lot, especially when there's music playing...


Thanks for the very quick upload. We all do really appreciate it. 💛 I was very eager to see you experience your first regeneration. It's a mile stone for any developing Whovian. First series under the belt and I'd like to thank you for being one of the most consistent reactors I've seen for this show. (It was very apparent from episode one and I went straight to full length.) Thanks especially for being so positive and able to see the gem and not so readily focusing on any precieved blemishes. Christopher is fantastic and I think you are really going to enjoy David just as much.


A beautiful, beautiful episode! The ending is spectacular, but I also loved that moment when Rose says "you make a stand, you say no, you don't just sit there eating chips!". I haven't seen this episode in 5 years at least, but I still remember it so clearly, a very powerful moment. I had a blast watching your reaction! Thank you for bringing that magic back. Watching your reactions feels a bit like watching it all over again for the first time, in the same way as the Doctor rediscover the world through the eyes of his companions because everything he already saw is new and exciting for them. I'm really glad you like the show, despite all its flaws (and it has many) it's so sincere and kind and heartful it'll forever stay one of my favourite shows. Not nearly enough shows advertise kindness and smarts over violence and force, and not nearly enough shows mourn death of every person, no matter how much screen time they had. Oh, and I CANNOT WAIT to see you digging into the Tennant's era! The best is yet to come!!


I was so glad to see your reaction to David Tennant! When I first started watching DW back in 2011-ish I knew absolutely nothing about it. I was totally blindsided by the regeneration and almost stopped watching. I'm so glad I didn't, because Ten is my Doctor. So excited for you to get into the Tennant era!

Henry from CO

"I am the Bad Wolf. I create myself".


Thanks so much for these reactions Jay so fun to watch you seeing the show for the first time and really like how positive you are. So much great stuff to come with Tennant and can’t wait!


thank you jay , fantastic reaction


Jayperview you should watch doctor who from the very beginning