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Doctor Who 1x10 FULL.mp4 * Onehub



Thanks 😁


Suspenseful, wholesome, astonishing, plus Capt. Jack from the 51st century who is everybody’s type. I really need a Tardis! I don’t know if you’ve been made aware of this yet, but after episode 12 there is a must-see Christmas Special. In fact, there are usually Christmas Specials between seasons as well as some specials between seasons 4 and 5, and here and there are some very short mini-episodes. Not all reactors watch the mini-episodes, but it’s my recommendation that you do when they come along. You can Google an episode list which includes the Specials and mini-episodes in chronological order, but there’s a problem. The lists I found are spoiled with screen shots of future characters and companions which you probably want to avoid. Maybe somebody else knows of a watch list that doesn’t contain spoilers? Bottom line: you need a watch list no matter what. Reach out if you need help with this.


Fantastic! Trivia: Christopher Eccleston had trouble with the dancing. John Barrowman (Captain Jack) doubled for him, so except in close uos, those are Barrowman 's legs dancing around!


"Just this once, everybody lives!" 😁


Ohhh, I was waiting for this episode ever since you've started on Doctor Who! It's my favourite of the season! It's scary, it's funny, it has a brilliant script that wraps up in the most beautiful way possible. I cry every time he says 'everybody lives. Just this once!' His acting in this scene is fantastic, but what's more it feels justified. The Doctor can't save everyone, in fact, people often die regardless of him trying to help, so there's a true weight to this scene, it's not just another happy end after a cheap scare. And, of course, Jack. Jack is one of my favourite characters of the entire series, you just fall in love with him immediately, he can make any situation better, no matter how gloom. All in all, this episode has the kind of emotional climax that make me love Doctor Who so much to begin with. Thank for your reaction, Jay, I really like how sincere and positive you always are, getting invested in stories and characters instead of criticizing and poking holes in the plot like so many people are doing nowadays. We need more of this positive energy, people, let's love stuff, not hate stuff! ❤️


Well said! It's Jay's infectious positivity that had me instantly wanting to follow the full lengths. I'm sure it'll be fascinating to see other milestone moments as he traverses time and space.


The "Everybody lives" line is widely recognized as one of the best lines in the whole show.

Henry from CO

One of my favorites from series one and a favorite from writer Steven Moffat who will go on to pen a few more WHO episodes (just a few). It’s so nice to see the Doctor happy again after all the drama from visiting Rose’s father and dealing with his own personal demons in “Dalek”. During an interview, Moffat himself said about the end of “The Doctor Dances”, “He’s so happy that he managed to pull that off and everything for once worked and those windows aligned and everything was perfect. You suddenly realize how much it hurts him the rest of the time. You grieve for him even more during his losses because you know how much saving people matters to him.”

Henry from CO

By the way …. I found the whole first season of “Doctor Who Confidential” in YouTube. For those who don’t know Confidential … “Doctor Who Confidential is a documentary series created by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) to complement the revival of the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Each episode was broadcast on BBC Three on Saturdays, immediately after the broadcast of the weekly television episode on BBC One. The first and second series episodes ran 30 minutes each; third series installments ran 45 minutes.” To get an idea of what it’s like, here is the Confidential for episode ten titled “Weird Science”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEUH3RPp3cM&list=WL&index=19&t=10s

Alyssa Bernd

When I first saw these eps, i legit got so scared I skipped past them both and watched the rest of the season, then went back and watched them XD I am a baby.


This episode makes me happy in my soul