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OUAT 5x10 5x11 FULL.mp4 * Onehub



I love these two episodes, they are such an emotional rollercoaster! Hook is phenomenal in these two, no doubt, and it must have been so much fun for Colin O'Donoghue to play it. I do quite enjoy Captain Dark One, even though I at the same time never wanted him to go full on evil, but there were some great moments - also love his impression of Rumple when he challenges him to the duel, that was just golden xD And seeing how much he has struggled with what kind of man he wants to be - not just in these two episodes, but throughout the show - is so cool and gives his character such depth. The writers on OUaT really are incredible! I'm super excited for you to get into the next part of season 5, it's very enjoyable :D Oh, and I hope you'll consider my suggestion to watch Rita on Netflix ^_^ https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1973692/ :D


Yay! Mid-season finale is done! Looks like we’re going to the Underworld, who are we going to see? 👀 can’t wait for you to watch the next part of Season 5. Heads Up! The next episode is the 100th episode of the series! Sooo mark the milestone! :) until then!

Monica Torres

i think episode 11 is the episode where we all finally saw the obvious. no matter how many villains we face during the duration of this show, the only true villain if this story is Rumple, and he has been all along. Rumple is given chance after chance after chance, and he just continuously disappoints. the show is about redemption, and rumple just cant seem to allow himself to earn it, and be happy.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Broken Heart- Thank you so much for another fun reaction to another of my favorite episodes, not just in season five, but throughout the entire series!! I love Broken Heart so much, and I really enjoyed watching your reaction for it. Broken Heart is powerful, heartbreaking, and so, so beautiful. First... I have a number of favorite scenes and moments throughout this episode, most of which are between Killian and Emma. Clearly... this episode is centered around them, as we finally learn the rest of the events that happened between them in Camelot after Emma turned Killian into a second Dark One to try to save his life. And while we see that she succeeded, the man Killian is has been buried deep down inside the villain he's become once again because of the darkness now consuming him, as well as the pain from Emma's betrayal when she turned him into the very monster he's feared and hated with every fiber of his being for centuries. And I can't blame him for feeling so heartbroken. However, my first favorite moment is in the beginning, when we see Killian become consumed by the darkness within Dark Ones Vault before he is reborn as a new Dark One, then is confronted by the voice inside his head that has taken shape in the form of Rumplestiltskin just as he appeared to Emma as well. I love the moment the darkness surrounds Killian, as he screams and is forced to relive the most painful moments throughout his very long life. And then... I absolutely love seeing Killian, now the Dark One face come face to face with his oldest enemy, and seeing their rivalry once again come to light. I love how Killian immediately knows that this Rumplestiltskin is only in his mind and tries hard to resist his taunts, but unfortunately, the moment the darkness reminds him of his revenge against the real Rumplestiltskin, he swiftly gives into the darkness and begins seeking his vengeance once again. Marvelous!! :) Two more of my favorite moments are both scenes between Killian and Emma in the Enchanted Forest, when Emma finds him for the first time since he vanished into the Dark Ones Vault after she tethered his life to Excalibur and tries to pull his mind away from the darkness' taunts and Killian is angry for pushing him right back into the darkness he's been fighting against, then later when they argue about possession of Excalibur and he gets angry with Emma shouting, "Which is why... I begged you not to turn me into the bloody Dark One in the first place!", then reminds her that he had been the one who never stopped believing in her. The heartbreak in his voice and in his eyes as Killian fights to resist the darkness and upon hearing him proclaim Emma clearly doesn't believe in him any longer, is so sad and heartbreaking, yet so beautiful. I've told you before how much I love all of the really emotional moments with Hook and that's all thanks to Colin O'Donoghue's phenomenal talent when playing this incredible character. He's fantastic when showing the deep emotions such as heartbreak and pure anger. And while Emma did betray him, I definitely feel so badly for her as well because she's realizing in these scenes that she's still losing the man she loves so deeply, and inevitably... she does lose him to the darkness because of all her secrets. Another favorite moment... takes place in Storybrooke, when Dark Hook comes to Emma inside Regina's home while she's being guarded by Merida, then he goes on to speak cruelly to hurt her, and upon Emma asking him why he's doing all he's doing, he answers, "Because... I want to hurt you, like you hurt me." I just love how Jennifer and Colin act off one another as two Dark Ones, versus how they act with one another while they're their true selves. And finally... my last favorite moment comes in the end once Emma renders Killian unconscious after he has killed Merlin, then as she takes Killian's face in her hands and whispers, "When you wake up, you'll be the man you were. The man I love. The man who loves me." Then she kisses him tenderly on his lips. So, so beautiful. I also love the idea of her taking away his memories of him ever becoming the Dark One, in order to bring Killian back to her once the curse brings them all back home. Fantastic! :) Now... I really love the swordfight between Dark Hook and Gold aboard the Jolly Roger, and all of Hook's interactions with Gold as well, starting with their scene inside Gold's pawnshop when Dark Hook comes to challenge Gold to a duel, just like Rumplestiltskin had challenged Hook to a duel two hundred years earlier just before Killian becomes Captain Hook upon Rumplestiltskin cutting off his hand. I love, love, love the moment when Dark Hook mimics Rumplestiltskin from when Rumplestiltskin first taunted him in the same way, way back in season two's very first episode with Hook... The Crocodile, as Dark Hook now challenges Rumple in the same way to another duel, showing the beginning of their dark and bitter rivalry. It's hilarious and just fantastic!!! Just one more reason to love Colin O'Donoghue. :) Next... I like the brief moment between David and Mary Margaret outside of the Dark Ones Vault once Merlin brings them and Lancelot to it in hope of getting there in time to help Killian once he's reborn only to realize they're too late. I love how Mary Margaret defends Emma's actions upon trying to save Killian by turning him into another Dark One. However, I'm not too happy with how quick David is to once again show such little faith in Hook. I can understand it a little given Hook's past with being a villain for so long, but by this point, he and David have become good friends, so seeing him show such little faith in Hook annoys me a bit. And Mary Margaret then sides with him too when she nods her head in agreement with him. It's sad that everyone, including Merlin too have such little faith in Hook. If they had all just tried to help him and not lie to him, things could have worked out very differently and better for everyone. As for Merlin's death... a lot of fans feel that Merlin was killed far too easily given that he is the most powerful Sorcerer to have ever lived, and while I agree that this is so to some degree, I also feel that his death makes sense, because Emma ripped away all of his magic and his mortality within him in order to save Killian, which made him mortal once again just as he was over a thousand years earlier before he drank from the Holy Grail. And I actually really love that by Dark Hook crushing his heart so he can activate the dark curse, it's really actually Nimue who kills him because she and all past Dark Ones live within him and in Emma. I really like this concept a lot. It's clever and in my opinion... a great idea. I feel bad for Merlin of course. I like him as a character for the most part, although I am quite disappointed that Merlin never made any kind of effort to try to help Killian deal with the darkness inside of him like he did with Emma. There may not have been much time when they had to talk, but in those fee moments, Merlin immediately saw him as only the Dark One and no longer as Killian. I suppose it could be because Merlin saw Hook's future and knew that he was beyond listening to pleads or to reasoning, but I still would have liked to see some kind of offer of help from Merlin towards Killian too. Again, that's probably just me. And lastly.. I love the final scene as Dark Hook and the darkness in the form of Rumplestiltskin come to the lake's edge and summon all the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld once Hook has taken some of Gold's blood that is needed from him to open the portal to the Underworld. I love that to do so, blood from someone who has died and come back from the dead is needed. And of course seeing Dark Hook and Rumple looking into the mist that comes rolling in with Charon the Boatman carrying all of the Dark Ones... fabulous! I love how eerie this whole scene is. Overall... Broken Heart is a phenomenal episode and I absolutely love it! And I really enjoyed your reaction for it as well. So thank you once again! I am looking forward to all your reactions to come. Until my thoughts for Swan Song...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Swan Song- Thank you so, so much for another fun reaction to one of my favorite episodes, not just from season five, but from throughout this entire show. It's impossible for me to say which episode out of all of them is my all time favorite episode. However, Swan Song for me is most definitely in the top running because I love it so much. I think this episode is absolutely heartbreaking and yet so beautiful too. This episode begins with a backstory for Killian, as we see him as a young boy between ten to thirteen years of age. We also see young Liam, but he's only shown to be asleep in the bed next to where Killian is trying to sleep aboard the ship they are traveling across the ocean in along with their father. Upon the light going out within their quarters and because of the storm raging outside surrounding the ship, Killian wakes up frightened and frantically calls out to his father, played by actor... Adam Croasdell, who is the perfect actor to play Brennan Jones, since he looks so much like Hook as a grown man. Once again... perfect casting. And not just from Killian's father, but also because of Oliver Bell, who plays young Killian and whom I love as a young Killian very much. It was definitely easy to tell who he was right away, and not just because they were all sailing aboard a pirate ship. But continuing on with my thoughts about the storyline... Killian's father enters the room to comfort his son as he relights the lamp, then kneels down beside his son to coax him back to sleep, offering him gentle words about one day being a man of his own making, to which Killian states that he wishes to be just like him when he grows up. Brennan then assures his son he will look after him while he sleeps and the light so that it doesn't go out again. At first... Brennan appears to be a loving father, who loves his sons. However, appearances can certainly be deceiving. Unfortunately, Killian awakens again some time later to once again discover that his father isn't with him and that the light has gone out like before. And when Killian calls out to him and starts to run out of the room to find him, he's immediately caught by the ship's Captain who goes on to explain that Killian's father had abandoned him and Liam so he could escape the law, because Brennan is a known thief and had heard there were soldiers at the ship's next port waiting to apprehend him. And if that isn't bad enough, the Captain also tells Killian that their father sold him and Liam to him in exchange for a rickety rowboat so he could escape. And the look on Killian's face is full of confusion, fear, and sadness, and it's heartbreaking. There are so many characters throughout this show who've been abandoned by their parents in some way or another. And it's all heartbreaking of course. However, I feel that out of all the characters' pasts, Killian's and Liam's pasts are among the most tragic. Not only were these two boys simply abandoned without any words to say goodbye and without so much as an explanation offered by their father himself, but Brennan also sold his boys into servitude, having been sold to this ship's Captain. And from the man's callousness shown as he explains to Killian what their father had done, it's clear that he wasn't a good man. After all, he was a pirate, as were the rest of the crewmen. Being forced into slavery at such a young age is so heartbreaking, and it explains a lot about Killian as a man and why he turns out as he does. It's really amazing to me that Killian was ever able to push his demons aside to become a disciplined and righteous Leftenant within the Royal Navy for a time. Continuing on with the backstory... many years later, a long time after Killian becomes Captain Hook and had left Neverland to return to the Enchanted Forest, Hook is waiting not far from the Evil Queen's Palace for her to come out to meet him, with a drink in his hand. And from their conversation, we come to understand that this storyline takes place shortly after they meet and Regina enlists him to kill Cora, shown back in season two's episode... Queen of Hearts. Regina goes on to explain to Hook that she is going to give him a test he must pass, in order to show her that he has no weaknesses that her mother can exploit. Later... upon them walking into a tavern somewhere deep within the Enchanted Forest, Regina guides Hook inside, then tells him he must kill someone for her. Thinking that she means just anyone, or perhaps one of the biggest brutes within the tavern who calls him out for simply being a pirate, Hook attempts to kill the brute until the Evil Queen immediately snaps the man's neck to stop him, then turns Hook around to come face to face with his real target... Hook's own father. Now... the timeline explained within the next scene is off, since it's been well established that Hook spent over two hundred years in Neverland before Pan releases him from his services, and yet it's said by Brennan upon being shocked to see his son still alive, that he had abandoned his sons nearly a century ago and that he had been under a sleeping curse during the time. However, the truth is that Brennan had abandoned his sons and remained under the sleeping curse for nearly two centuries... not just one. But getting past the timeline issues... I absolutely love these next scenes between Hook and his father. I love how Killian refuses to really explain his story beyond that his life has been nothing but full of pain and tragedy, and then demands to know how his father is still alive after all these years. Brennan goes on to explain that he had been caught by the soldiers not long after he tried to escape, and for some reason was put under a sleeping curse. Whether it was his punishment given to him according to law, or if it was because he had wronged someone else capable of casting the curse over him and had taken him from his jail cell, it's never explained. But in his time asleep, Brennan goes on to explain that his nurse charged with his care came to fall in love with him as she cared for him, while he fell in love with her too while asleep. In all honesty, I think the storyline with Brennan having survived and falling in love while under a sleeping curse is pretty weak. And I wish the creators and writers had come up with a better storyline to explain his survival. However, I do love that Brennan Jones had survived and that he and Hook come face to face with one another again after all these years, because I love all that comes next. I absolutely love the pain and the anger we see in Hook's eyes and on his face while he listens to his father's story, then goes on to tell him that he is going to help him escape so that the Evil Queen will come to think he's dead and so that he can still get what she owes him for pretending to keep his word to her so that he can still get his revenge against Rumplestiltskin. In all honesty, Hook takes his father's story so much better than I would have expected him to. After everything Brennan did to him and Liam, and after all the pain he's suffered through since his father's abandonment, I'm amazed Hook even considered helping Brennan to escape. Unfortunately, Brennan then asks his son for a second paper of transport as he shares that he has another son. And once again, Hook agrees and keeps his word to help them both, as we see in their next scene together that Hook had gotten the papers for them both. However, Hook then listens from the doorway of his father's cabin, as Brennan once again is seen comforting his third son in the same way Brennan had comforted him all those years ago, using the very same words he had promised him, just before Brennan went against his word and abandoned him and Liam. And if that wasn't bad enough, he also overhears that Brennan has called his youngest son Liam, just like his older brother. Hook is angry, and rightly so. Once the boy is asleep, Brennan walks outside to join Hook again and starts to thank his middle son for risking so much for him. However, Hook immediately lets his anger show through as he shouts at his father for calling his other son Liam after his brother, to which Brennan tries to explain that he had done so to honor Liam and supposedly Killian too, as a reminder to never abandon him again. And this only makes Hook angrier, because Brennan had abandoned him and Liam. Killian looked up to his father as any child adores and loves their father. So to hear that he couldn't ever abandon another son he had with another woman, in the same way he was able to abandon him... it's heartbreaking. And I can't blame Hook for being so hurt and angry at this. So, in spite of his word to help his father and his other son escape, Hook then rips up the papers, and kills his father like the Evil Queen asked of him to do, claiming it was to ensure that she would keep her word to help him gain his revenge, when I really believe Hook had only done so because his grief, pain, and his anger overpowered him and became too much for him to deal with. And he simply couldn't let how his father wronged him go. It's wrong that Hook kills his own father, and left his son there to find his father's body, leaving young Liam alone to grow up without his father too. But I can certainly understand why Hook did as he did. Hook's past is full of tragedy and pain. It's heartbreaking. However, I love that we learn so much more about Killian's past, because it explains a lot of why Killian is who he is and why he struggles so deeply with the darkness inside of him. And this finally brings me to the present storyline in Storybrooke... I love the first scene between Dark Hook and Gold, when Gold comes to confront Hook once again after their fight aboard the Jolly Roger. I love the Gold attempts once more to try to kill Hook, while the Dark One continues to mock him, and is even quite cruel when he brings up how Belle's left him and then talks about his dead son. Their great rivalry is still alive and well, and I love it! In the meantime... David, Mary Margaret, Henry, Regina, and Robin are all walking alongside Emma down the main street through town, then are quickly joined by the dwarfs minus Dopey since he's still a tree, as her family are trying to encourage her to think rationally and to think about the man she loves, whom she's now acting so eager to kill in order to stop his plans now that they remember again. I love how Mary Margaret actually defends Killian as she reminds Emma and Regina that he never wanted to become the Dark One, and that he's still the man Emma loves. Sadly, Emma states that the man she loves died back in Camelot, and while this is partly true, it's also not because Killian is still very much inside the Dark One. He's just buried deep down inside because the darkness has overpowered the good in him. But I at least love seeing that the pain of what she knows she must do to stop him, does hurt her. The group then split up to try to find Dark Hook, as Regina and Robin head towards the harbor until their path is blocked by Zelena, who claims she's going to change her deal and take full custody of hers and Robin's daughter because she knows that the Dark Ones have been risen and believes they will take care of her problem with Regina and Robin being a threat to her and her child. And in this moment, two Dark Ones appear before them and attack. The same happens to David and Mary Margaret, the dwarfs, Gold, and Henry as well, as they're all attacked, before they all come together again outside of Gold's shop. Then, Gold goes on to explain that they have all been marked with the Mark of Charon... the Boatman of the Underworld and explains that soon, the Dark Ones will appear to drag their souls down to the Underworld, so that they can take over their lives and live again. Gold goes on to explain how treacherous and terrifying the Underworld is, then states that he's accepted his fate. And from a later scene while they're all down in Regina's vault looking for answers that can save them, it's revealed her parents and Henry have also accepted their fates too, and that they don't wish to spend their final hours trying to find a way to stop the Dark Ones, but simply by enjoying what time they have left with their family. It's very sad, and very unlike these heroes, just like Emma says to her mother. However, Emma isn't ready to give up her family and loved ones without a fight. And neither is Regina. Regina then finds Killian in the harbor where she expected him to be, and tries to convince him that what he's doing is wrong, as she tries to speak to the good man still inside of him. I also love that this is one of the few times we ever hear Regina call him by his real name, and not Hook or any of her many names for him. And I love how Killian recognizes this and mocks her for not using one of her many bon mots for him as he calls them. Unfortunately, Killian refuses to listen to her, especially once she attempts to bring up how he had killed his father, only for him to immediately begin to choke her in order to warn her against bringing up their past that he had made her swear never to talk about again. And with that... Killian walks away from her without another word. After Emma and Regina refuse to give up, as Emma confides in Regina when she tells her she's prepared to die like they had talked about in Camelot, they then go to talk with Gold about getting Excalibur back so that Emma and kill herself in order to destroy the darkness inside of her and in Hook once and for all. Gold gives her the sword, unbeknownst to them that he had poured one of his potions over it first, which is why he doesn't request any kind of deal from her. But I will talk about this again shortly... Gold then warns Emma that Excalibur chooses its miracles, meaning that her plan to destroy the darkness once and for all might not work like she's expecting it to. However, Emma ignores him, showing her determination to move forward in her plan. I really love when Regina and Robin confront Zelena again, especially when Regina uses her magic to bring herself and Zelena to the clocktower, where she then uses the Apprentice's wand to summon up another tornado that brings the Wicked Witch back to Oz. I love Regina's s confidence and even cockiness, especially when Zelena is taken up by the tornado and cries out that her sister will see her again, as Regina makes a reference to The Wizard of Oz saying, "Somewhere over the rainbow. Enjoy Oz, witch!" This is one of my favorite quotes in this entire episode. I just love how Regina says it with such glee and it's perfect for Zelena's character. Brilliant! :) After Emma enters Granny's to leave a letter for her family to say goodbye to them without confronting them in order to keep them from trying to talk her out of her plan, she then returns to her house where she's left Excalibur locked behind the sealed door to her basement, then she is shocked upon being confronted again by Killian. Knowing exactly what her plan is, he tries to convince her to give him the sword, then momentarily pretends to be Henry, long enough to take Excalibur away from her because he knows she won't kill him wearing her son's face. Emma should have known that Henry was really Killian in disguise, given how obvious it was. However, I like the idea of his plan to take Excalibur away from her. I just wished this scene could have been done a little differently, in a way that would make more sense. I especially love how Emma pleads with him again by reminding him that this isn't what Killian would have wanted, only for him to remind her that she should have let him die, and never should have turned him into a Dark One. At last... we come to my absolute favorite scene and moment throughout the entire episode. A scene that is tragic and beautiful as well. The Dark Ones all soon bring everyone they've marked to the lake in the park where the portal to the Underworld is... however, we don't actually see the dwarfs among the heroes throughout this scene, which I think is a let down because they should have been there too. I think this was an oversight on this episode's director's fault. It's not like it's a money issue where they couldn't afford to bring the dwarfs into this episode since we see them earlier on. But nonetheless... everyone is at the lake along with the Dark Ones, and soon Emma runs between them to join with her family as she apologizes to them for being unable to save them since Killian stole Excalibur away from her. And then... Dark Hook arrives as well and waits beside the Dark Ones now surrounding everyone. I love how dark Hook is in this scene, until Regina steps forward to once again remind him of that night between him and his father in spite of Killian's earlier warning. And at last, her words finally get through to him, as Killian is forced to remember the kind of man he truly wants to be, knowing that if he follows through with his plan to help the previous Dark Ones, then he would regret it for all of his immortal life... however long it might be. After all, the good man inside of him is still there no matter how deep down inside he's buried himself, and Killian still loves Emma very deeply. Her family too. And in this moment... Killian finally turns against the darkness and faces Nimue as he orders her to stop hurting Emma and to stop with their plan. However, when they refuse, Killian uses every ounce of strength within himself to summon all of the Dark Ones into Excalibur as he raises the blade in front of him to do so. And when he's finished, he turns around to face Emma, and pleads with her to take Excalibur so that she can do to do as she had planned to do to herself, pleading with her to kill him so that he can rid the world of the darkness once and for all. I cry at this moment between Killian and Emma every time I watch it. It's so sad and yet so, so beautiful too. I love how Killian pleads with Emma to remember him as he was and to let him die a hero. It's also so heartbreaking to hear him say that if there's anyone who deserves to go to the Underworld, that it's him, when this isn't true. In spite of his brief fall upon becoming consumed by the darkness, Killian certainly doesn't deserve to suffer any more than anyone else does. And then... Emma and Killian share a final kiss after he convinces her that his death is the only way to free them both from the darkness at last, and they both say I love you, before Emma finally stabs Killian with Excalibur right through his heart in his chest, causing him to agonizingly cry out in pain. All the while, Emma is weeping, especially once he collapses upon his legs giving out on him in the moment he dies in Emma's arms, just after the Killian's sacrifice forces the darkness to be expelled from both of their bodies, in the belief that the darkness has finally been destroyed once and for all. So beautiful, and so heartbreaking. I absolutely love this scene between Killian and Emma, especially upon seeing and deeply feeling the beautiful emotions they express throughout it as well... And both Colin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison are absolutely phenomenal throughout Swan Song, especially in this ending. Scenes like this are why I love them and their characters so, so much. And if there is any moment throughout all of Once Upon a Time that I had to choose to be my absolute favorite for them as my favorite True Love couple, this moment would be it. Not knowing in this moment back when I first watched this episode when it first aired that the heroes would be going down to the Underworld to try to save Killian, I cried so hard because I believed that Killian was no longer going to be in Once Upon a Time. But when Emma arrives to share with her family her plans to enter the Underworld to save him, and that she hopes to split her heart with Killian to save him just like Snow did for Charming shown in season three's episode, A Curious Thing... my heart leapt out of my chest and I was so, so happy!!!! :) I really love this scene between these heroes and I love that they're all willing to go down to the Underworld with her to help her save Killian, showing just how much he has come to mean to them as well. I love seeing them all, including Gold, standing once again at the lake while they prepare themselves to enter the Underworld. I absolutely love when Emma uses her mother's and father's most famous line between one another as she whispers to Killian almost like she hopes he can hear her saying, "Hook... I will find you. I will always find you." So beautiful. :) Next... I absolutely love the scene when Emma comes to confront Gold again upon hearing the whispers coming from within the dagger as the voices call out to her. I love the big revelation that Gold has once again become the Dark One, and the most powerful of all the Dark Ones to have ever lived on account of Killian willing all the previous Dark Ones into Excalibur before the sword disintegrated into ash. As much as I hate Gold for taking away Killian's sacrifice, I also think it was brilliant of him to do because I do just absolutely love Rumplestiltskin as the Dark One. And this selfish act is completely in his character, especially since he believed then that power is all he has left since Belle has left him, which I will talk about momentarily. I love how Gold explains to Emma how he managed to take back his power upon using potion that he is then shown in a flashback pouring over Excalibur. A potion that then transfers the darkness from Killian and Emma, back into Gold instead of it being destroyed like Killian died believing he had accomplished. I hate Gold for doing this to Killian, Emma, and to Belle too, but I can't help but love him too. He's a character I love to hate and at other times... love to love as well. However, there is a theory fans of this show believe that explains how Killian felt that the darkness was being transferred from him into Gold again, because just before he dies and collapses, there's a brief moment that looks like Killian is trying to warn Emma of something while he's supposedly pointing towards Gold. Now, I don't know if this is true or not, but I like this theory and it could be possible. And then... Emma becomes incredibly angry with Gold upon realizing that he had taken Killian's sacrifice away from him as he's betrayed them all over again in spite of everything they did to save him when he was dying in the end of Operation Mongoose Part Two. I love how she's completely unintimidated by Gold, as she then tells him that he is going to do something for her... meaning that he is going to help her to save Killian. Just phenomenal! :) And lastly... if there's one thing I don't really care for about this episode aside from the scene with Killian taking Excalibur away from Emma earlier on... it's the scene in the end between Gold and Belle. Don't get me wrong... I do love Belle and Gold together as a couple. However, it's at this point in the show that Belle really starts to irritate me to no end with how easy she comes back to Gold after everything. And her wishy washy feelings towards him only continues on, getting worse and worse. I understand the creators' and writers' reasonings for bringing them back together, because at the time... Gold had been sincere with wanting her to be happy and understanding that her happiness couldn't include him for now. However, I really wish there was time in between Belle having told Gold that she can't be with him, to Belle immediately coming back to him saying she wants to be with him. Especially knowing that he has immediately gone back to being the same selfish villain he's always been. Overall... I absolutely and wholeheartedly love, love, love this episode, especially because it is so centered around Killian and his and Emma's love story. I love Killian's backstory, and I love his sacrifice he makes for Emma and her family and friends. Swan Song is beautiful, heartbreaking, and just about perfect. Killian's death for me... is definitely the most heartbreaking moment throughout this entire show. And yet it's also the most beautiful moment for me as well. So, thank you so much for your reactions, Jay!!! I love them!! Until next time, my friend... :)


Colin O'donoghue portrays Hook. He has said in the past that he very much enjoyed playing Dark Hook, which you saw cos he was acting the hell out of it in these two episodes. Hook's death scene still is hard for me to watch even now.


Thank you for a great reaction. These 2 episodes are phenomenal. Hook is one of the more complex characters in OUAT and I love it, Colin does a really good job playing him. I enjoyed Dark Hook, and the battle has has with himself as to what kind of man he wants to be. His death gets me everytime I always cry like a baby when he sacrifices himself to save everyone. And I agree with Monica, the one true villain in this show is Rumple. He always seem to choose the power over everyone even Belle and Baelfire. I like Rumple, he just always lets me down. Anyway to the Underworld we go. Which is an arc I really enjoy aswell. Until next time.

Cheryl Stocking

I really enjoy watching your reactions and this one was the best. Your reaction was just like mine when I watched this the first time I though Hook was gone just like that. Colin O'Donoghue is an awsome actor my favorite. Can't wait till you watch the rest of the season.