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Charmed Season 1 finake.mp4 * Onehub



Yeah when I first saw this episode, Andy’s death didn’t feel real, I felt like maybe because their was a time loop we were just made to believe he was gonna die, but then time would reset and everything would be okay.. but instead it was him and his death that had to happen because without it, all the sisters would’ve ended up being killed, but Andy’s death prevented that in a way, if that makes sense, still such a sad death to this day.


You finally saw it. :( I cried as a child, seeing them go forward still gives me chills.

Amanda P

Ah man I was dreading this reaction because of andys death, I love this finale but it hurts everytime and I know how much you love Andy. As far as I know the actor wanted to leave the show which sucks but atleast they gave him a good death instead of replacing the actor. I do agree that the show really picks up and gets better towards the end, even halfway through the season theres a definite change in quality. It really gets better from here on out! Can't wait to see season 2! 😁


Unfortunately this is the last of Andy, theirs a whole lot of theories as to why he was killed off, the biggest being that Ted (Andy) and Shannon (Prue) actually really didn’t like each other, some say it’s cause he simply wanted to leave but it’s all speculation. I’m 100% sure if he would’ve stayed Andy would’ve been a whitelighter. On to season 2. I can say that season 2 has great moments and episodes however their is an ongoing storyline that I really just didn’t like and curious for your reactions to it.




Sad that Andy's gone, but this is one of my favs of the season. Looking forward to the next season, although Season 3 is what I'm most excited for! =D


Definitely a sad episode, but a really great episode as well. Usually I get sort of annoyed with episodes surrounding time loops, because they are often done in such a way that they in the end have no impact at all to the overall story of whatever show it's on, but Charmed did it really well, and obviously there is a big change in the Charmed universe after the time loop, being that there's no more Andy. I was always a bit ambivalent towards Andy if I'm honest, I can't quite put my finger on what it is about him, but there's some things about him that always bugged me, yet I still like his character and his arc mostly. Thankfully the detective part of the show continues on with Morris (Andy's partner) who wasn't really a big part at all in season one, but I actually like his character a lot better, he's more kind of a buddy you wanna hang out with somehow, and also greatly confused and in the dark about everything magical going on which makes for some great scenes as well! I'm sure you'll come to really like his character too ^^ Looking forward to seeing you start season two :)


did anyone notice david carridine played tempus.


cant wait for you to start season 2 there is a new supporting character.

Artwood sleep

I 100 percent agree with everything you said about the season finale especially with it not feeling real. Kind of reminds me of one of the big deaths in twd. in season 7. I loved that character so much and that character was there from the beginning. So that character had so development, was amazing to watch and had so many people love that character. There's a lot of parallels there for me with the loss of Andy. Rest in Peace Andy the mandy you died a true hero. <3 Still I'm looking forward to more reactions with Charmed because it truly is a great show! There so much more amazing story line to come! Season one sister are bad asses but honestly they are just getting start! Can't wait! Ps. Thanks for your reactions and I hope you are feeling much better :)


Thank you so much for not giving up on this series. It honestly gets better from here, and I know you will have a blast. Many thanks!! :)


Any update on when you’re starting season 2??

Luke Nevill-Bond

I am also looking forward to your reactions to Season 2. Season 2 has been remastered in HD as well so if you don't have links for them I can provide them to you if needed. Just let me know. :)


I was also not very attached to Andy when I first watched this...I was more invested in Piper & Leo from what I remember...however seeing Jay and other reactors love Andy so much, it has definitely has given me a new found appreciation and actually wish he had stayed :((


I've so genuinely enjoyed this journey with you and watching you're very honest reactions. I like how you get the heart of the show and enjoy it for that. It'll be very interesting watching you're reactions to future seasons. For me personally Season 1-4 are the strongest and a very questionable change in tone and theme of the show in Seasons 5-8 and not for the better in my opinion.