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OUAT 4x18 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Zelena's back!! Thank you so much for this great reaction!! I was excited for you to discover this big twist with Zelena still being alive and I knew you would absolutely be shocked, yet love it. I didn't see this twist coming at all, as no one ever does. :) Now, while this twist is huge and I absolutely love it, as well as I love Robin Hood... this episode for me isn't one of my favorites. This episode is very much needed for the big revelation that Zelena is still alive and has been in disguise and Marian ever since Emma and Killian fell through the time portal and mistakenly messed with the past. Overall... I really love it. However, I miss seeing more of all that's going on back in Storybrooke between Emma, her parents, and especially since they have released the Author from the storybook. Emma, Hook, the Charmings, and even Regina, all very much took a backseat in this episode and I missed them. But that's just me and not every episode can always be centered around my favorite characters. :) But to back up a little... the beginning scene between Emma and her parents is sad, as Emma is still very, very angry with them. It's very sad and I hate seeing them at odds. Emma's anger towards them is understandable, even justified. But of course, I want to see Emma come to understand why they did as they did and to forgive her parents. Next... the scene between Gold and the Author is great. I really enjoy it, especially the Author's line about Rumplestiltskin being the biggest pain he's ever had the displeasure to write. I can absolutely understand that and I just love it. Unfortunately, Gold has convinced the Author to join him in his quest to change everyone's happy endings. To give the villains their happy endings, while each of the heroes will suffer for always defeating the villains. Not good. But I still love it! And then... Gold is talking with Regina who has now become his prisoner within her own vault, which is when the backstory for Robin, Zelena/Marian, and Gold begins, when Gold reveals Zelena is alive to Regina in order convince Regina to join him in darkening Emma's heart as well. I love these moments, just I continue to love any moment between Regina/the Evil Queen and Gold/Rumplestiltskin. As for the backstory in New York... I enjoy it a lot. I especially love seeing Robin chase after the thief who steals Marian's purse on horseback. It's the perfect act for a hero like Robin Hood from the Enchanted Forest to do. Brilliant and beautiful. As for the big revelation that Zelena's alive after all, when she comes to the hospital to reveal herself to Gold after his darkened heart lands him there... I absolutely love it! Because this scene not only reveals that Zelena is alive and that she has been Marian ever since Emma knocked her out in the past before she and Hook bring her back to the present with them, but it also reveals why Robin's kiss way back in episode three... Rocky Road meant to help him wake Marian after she becomes frozen by the Snow Queen's spell over her, really doesn't work to wake Marian. Everyone assumes that his kiss didn't break the Snow Queen's freeze spell because Robin is still in love with Regina, which he is and therefore the spell wouldn't break, but it's also because Marian has really been Zelena all along, and Robin certainly doesn't love her. Marvelous! So many fabulous reveals that come from one big twist! :) I also love Zelena's tauntings... as she taunts not only Gold while in the hospital, but I also love the very end when she taunts Regina over the phone upon revealing herself to her sister as well. Zelena is just phenomenal all throughout this episode. Also... Gold reveals that his heart problems that land him in the hospital isn't because he's had a heart attack like the doctors within the real world believe, but because his heart is blackened to the point that without the potion he seeks Robin out to steel from the Wicked Witch back in Oz, all of his dark deeds are going to take over him and permanently make him evil. And even he's afraid of this happening. Because if that happens, he will lose any good within himself, and he will lose Belle once and for all. I really love this reveal, because it's terrifying. The thought of Rumplestiltskin without any good left within him to help keep him human, is not at all good for anyone, least of all for our heroes. And as for the backstory with Robin before he becomes Robin Hood, and Rumplestiltskin comes to him asking him to steal the Elixir of the Wounded Heart... I love how everything brings Robin to becoming Robin Hood, who now steals from the rich and gives to the poor. It's a brilliant take on his storyline, and I also really enjoy seeing him confront the Wicked Witch in Oz to steal the elixir from her. When I saw Rebecca Mader's name appear in the credits as a guest star and seeing Oz on the title card, I assumed Zelena would only be making a brief appearance in this backstory, but I was so happy to be wrong. As for the scenes between Robin and Will... I liked these moments. I don't really care all that much for Will, like I've said in my comments for past episodes, but I feel like Will being a part of this backstory with Robin, makes more sense for his character being a part of this show all together, than him being a character in any episodes before. I like some other scenes with Will, especially those between him and Hook. However, I always felt his character seemed a bit out of place, until this episode. So these scenes between him and Robin were nice. Overall... I enjoy this episode a lot. Your reaction to Zelena being Marian all this time was priceless and I'm so happy to see that you love this revelation too. Once Upon a Time is phenomenal with all of its twists, and I've never been so surprised throughout watching any television series before. And there are so many phenomenal twists and revelations to come. Just you wait!!! :) Thank you again, Jay! Until your next reaction...

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Also... I am so happy you love your Hook Funko Pop, and that you appreciate reading all of my novel long comments for each episode!! I am definitely the biggest fan of Once Upon a Time! It was so nice to see Hook sitting on the back of your couch so he could watch this episode with you. :) I'm also happy that your girlfriend's family were able to get you Belle's Funko Pop as well. Thank you so much for your kind shout out. You're very welcome, not just for my Christmas gift, but also for all of my support. I look forward to all that is to come. :) Sincerely, Heidi

Alex A Alvarenga

They brought Xena back in season 4 be because of the fandom if you remember in season 2 it was a different actor it was actually the actor of Lucifer that played Robin so they put a little tie in with the whole disguise necklace from Oz if you see the background of the bus stop there is a Aladdin Broadway normally Once Upon a Time put living little hidden Mickeys her future seasons the reveal of the wicked witch coming back was so epic to the phandom at the time have you checked out the Once Upon a Time in Wonderland spin-off and if not we'll and Robin already had a relationship there so that's why their chemistry is so strong and good there's a lot of stuff about will the actor I tell you more about that what happened to him on the show Oh so would you be interested in watching the spin off on here that would be interesting but if you want to call me back that would be awesome. Keep up the great work


I'm so glad they brought Zelena back, and in such an awesome way, huge twist and as always Zelena just complicates everything, and many more complications are bound to arise! Love the mindblown look on your face when she revealed herself to Rumple, it's a lot to take in, but it's just another testament to the show at how great the stories are and how masterful they are at making twists no one could see coming! I'm very much looking forward to your next OUaT reaction - possibly my fave episode of this season, because it's about one of my all time fave villains - and of course the rest of the season. Hope you had a lovely christmas and new year's - and have a lovely 2020 as well!


Best episode of Season 4 in my opinion. Robin and Will’s chemistry is great and I’d recommend watching “Once Upon a Time in Wonderland” to see a little more of that. It’s free to watch on abc.com and it’s just one self-contained season of 13 episodes that wraps up nicely. I think you’d really like it. It has one of my favorite ships in the OUAT-verse.

Alex A Alvarenga

Dose anybody know when 4x19 will be up