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OUAT 4x13 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you very much for another fun and exciting reaction for my favorite show!!! And what an exciting episode Darkness on the Edge of Town is. :) First... in regards to your comments in the end after you turned off your camera, then turned it quickly back on upon remembering you had accidentally called the Enchanted Forest, the Forbidden Forest... it's funny you said this because while Maleficent's castle, where their first couple of conversations within the past storyline took place, is a part of the Enchanted Forest, her castle is known as the Forbidden Fortress. So you simply mixed up the wording, most likely because you vaguely remembered, albeit subconsciously, that the Forbidden Fortress was what her castle was known as. :) Now... I love the overall backstory, that reveals to us how Rumplestiltskin, Maleficent, Cruella, and Ursula all first met as Rumplestiltskin summoned them together for a secret meeting. And not only does Rumple convince the Queens of Darkness to trust him despite him lying to them about his true intentions in helping them as well, but we also learn how Rumple originally gains possession of the dark curse, which we learned way back in the second episode of season one, The Thing You Love Most that he had given it to Regina so she could then cast the curse for him, yet that she later gave it to Maleficent until she stole it back from Maleficent. I always love great connections to past episodes, especially one so early on. Later, Rumplestiltskin leads the villainesses to the cavern where the orb containing the dark curse is protected by three challenges, and the dangerous Chernabog which each one of the women must work together in order to break through it and to survive. Thankfully for them, they all succeed and they survive. However, Rumple had tricked them and stole the dark curse away from them, then left them there to die, which started the women's even deeper distrust in the Dark One. Now... as for the present day storyline inside Storybrooke... in the beginning we see the peace that's come over their town within the last six weeks due to Gold having been banished from Storybrooke. We see a brief montage that shows Regina back to being the Mayor, Snow teaching again while Granny babysits baby Neal for Snow, and it shows Emma meeting up with Killian as he has a coffee waiting for her. Like you... I love their little kiss, then seeing Killian kiss Emma on her forehead before she walks away and he follows Belle inside the library. So cute. Emma and Killian are absolutely adorable together!! Next... we have a beautiful scene between Killian and Belle inside the library where they're working together to find a way to free the fairies, as well as the Apprentice from the Sorcerer's hat. Killian's frustration in being unable to find anything for the last six weeks is completely understandable, as it comes more from his guilt that he shouldn't feel badly about, except for him having agreed to help Gold imprison the old man within the hat as well, before Gold ripped out Killian's heart. And then... this conversation leads Killian to bring up how he had been a fool for allowing himself to fall for Gold's lie, while Belle feels the same way upon realizing how naïve she had been to trust in him as well. I love this conversation between them, as Killian has come to be a really good friend and confidant for Belle. Beautiful moment between them. And it's one of my favorite scenes throughout the episode. Also... I love how Gold convinces Ursula and Cruella to help him in his dark plan, and seeing them come together, then arrive outside of Storybrooke, in Cruella's classic Rolls Royce with the license plate that spells out, "DE VIL". I love their overall partnership as they seek out to gain back their happy endings, in their own search for the Author. Meanwhile... the heroes are busy fighting and dealing with the Chernabog that we see was somehow also trapped within the Sorcerer's hat, no thanks to Gold once again because we find out that it was him who gave Belle the spell to free the fairies from the hat as he poses as a professor from Oxford who is talking within Belle through emails, having given Belle the spell to free the fairies, but also one that would free the Chernabog as well in order to unleash havoc on the town. In order to create trouble for the heroes so that he could use the beast as a way to convince the heroes to let Cruella and Ursula into Storybrooke. I didn't expect this and I love this whole brilliant idea. And thanks to Ursula and Cruella, the heroes learn that the Chernabog goes after the person with the most potential in their heart for darkness, but thankfully Regina and Emma figure out for themselves that the only way to defeat it is to force the magical creature over the town line, outside of Storybrooke where no magic exists. And after quite the exciting battle as they race in Emma's yellow bug to the town line... they succeed as Regina surrenders herself to the creature as she thinks she's the one the creature is after due to her heart still being black, in order to protect Emma, only to duck just in time as Emma slams on her breaks so that the Chernabog goes flying over the town line and dispels. So exciting! Unfortunately... we later learn through Gold as he explains this to the two Queens of Darkness, that the creatures wasn't after Regina, but Emma Swan. Yikes!! Also... I love how Regina is able to finally free the fairies from the hat after she casts the spell so she can release them, then seeing Killian continuing to feel guilty until Emma comes out to assure him he doesn't deserve to keep feeling so guilty, since it was Gold's control over Killian's heart that forced him to do so. This is my other favorite moment in this episode. I love how Emma attempts to lighten his mood as she talks about going to "buckle some swash", then how she assures Killian that to her, he has a well deserved "mark in the hero column". Such a cute moment between them. I love it! Oh... and through Blue, Regina and Henry learn a little more about the Author, and that somehow, for some reason the Sorcerer was in the possession of all of the Author's storybooks. I love the mystery behind the Author and the heroes', as well as the villains' searches for him or her. I also like the scene in the beginning between Emma and Regina just before Killian and Belle come running into Regina's office to reveal that they discovered how to free the fairies. I love how Emma continues to assure Regina that they will find the Author to help Regina gain her happy ending, and that Emma soon finds the extra "page 23" from the storybook, which we see all taped back together after Regina clearly had turned back to collect the pieces after having torn the page into pieces and let go of them in the previous episode, Heroes and Villains, just after Robin crosses the town line with Marian and Roland. Very nice. Later on, despite Snow's and Charming's protests, both Emma and Regina agree to let Cruella and Ursula into Storybrooke using the Snow Queen's scroll to do so, because they had kept up their end of their deal and helped them to defeat the Chernabog. And they do so, which leads to the Queens of Darkness later letting Gold into Storybrooke as well. Not good. Then... we are finally reminded in the end of this episode that the reason why Maleficent isn't with the two other Queens of Darkness and Rumple within the present storyline, is that because she had been killed. Now, if you remember... back in season one's second part season finale, A Land Without Magic, we saw Emma fighting against Maleficent in her dragon form down in the caves beneath the library and clock tower. At the end of this battle, Emma succeeds in killing Maleficent by throwing her father's sword directly into the dragon's chest just as she is about to blow her fire, and Maleficent suddenly bursts into flames and ash, leaving a pile of her ash on the rocks. And somehow, Gold now has a plan to resurrect her so that the Queens of Darkness will become fully reunited once more. Phenomenal!!! I absolutely love this storyline, and I'm so excited for you to see all that's to come!!! :) And lastly... we have one final conversation between Snow, David, Ursula, and Cruella somewhere within the forest as they come together in the dark and rain for a secret meeting. And in this moment, it's revealed the four of them have a past together, along with Maleficent that Snow and Charming do not want to anyone to learn about, especially their daughter. There's so much more to come and I can't wait!! Overall... a brilliant episode and I really love it. I absolutely love Maleficent, Cruella, and Ursula, and seeing them come to work together in both the present and the past. The actresses chosen to play all three of these powerful women are prefect, and even Cruella has magic too, which she didn't in her movies... 101 Dalmatians, both the Disney animated one and the two live-action movies with Glenn Close as Cruella De Vil. This is amazing and I was so excited to see how it was Cruella had magic too. Thank you so much again for your amazing reaction for Darkness on the Edge of Town, Jay!! I'm so excited for more to come!!! So, until then... :)


Forbidden, Enchanted, love it xD Great reaction as always, love watching these, so much fun! I think all I'll say for the moment about the rest of the season is: Expect the unexpected! Looking forward to the next one :D

Melissa Amato

Like a Chenobog OUAT 👿A HELL! WOULD have been fun to see Killian & Emma riding a Harley in this one, but well, you know, he maybe a Pirate, but Emma & Hook on a Harley, would have been perfect. August, unable to move, Killian sees his bike, removes the bags & straddles the seat, grabbing the black Helmut, tossing his babe Emma a Helmut, she cozies up behind him, while riding the Chenobog follows the two, Killian is now worried that the Beasty, is after him, since he was a Villian no worse then the others, but still a tasty treat for the Chenobog. The beast comes up behind them, as Killian races torwards the red line. The decoy's already have Regina at the line to text the Chenobog to her location. Killian pumps the breaks, turns the bike slightly, & stops just as the Chenobog falls in the air, into nothingness, beyond the line. Regina walks past the marked line to safety. As Killian & Emma raise themselves from the fallen bike. They remove they're helmet's, Emma looks at the two of them, blinks Emma:"Like Bat Outa Storybrooke!" Killian looks at Regina, hoping for some familiar reference, but Regina just rolls her eyes at him, & Poofs Outa there, without a Sassy Queeny come back. Emma turns back to Killian, & smooths his hair. "Guess, Everyone's not a Meatloaf fan?" Killian:"Sorry, didn't know you were hungry lov, we can stop into Granny's, I can get you some munchables?" Emma:"NOO, I'm fine, but I wouldn't say no to a drink or two, aboard the Jolly, right about now, we should toast that you & Belle got the Fairy's out of the hat." Killian:"Aye, right you are Lov. " He takes the handle of the bike, Emma & him put their helmut's back on & they mount the bike again & ride off, for the Docks where the Jolly Rodger was moored. Killian & Emma leave August's bike & head on to the Ship. When Emma suddenly turns & full on Attacks him, with a firm embrace, & kissed him. Killian giggled, Killian:"I think you may have liked that ride, Swan?" Emma:"Maybe a little. " She admitted, grinning at him & blushed. Killian just smiled back at her, as they progressed up the gangplank & took each other down to the ship's Gally. Ghf⚓☠️⚓ Regina:"Ok, I guess Pound Puppy, & half baked Callimarri can have the scroll. " Ursula takes up the parchment, with one tentacle. Looks at her Partner Cruella. Cruella:" Thank you Regina, Darlin, Darlin, you won't regret it..." Regina:" Better not, I haven't had a really good barbeque, in long while." The two women, only grin back at her, just as Snow & Charming rush up towards them. Snow glares out at the two, as they ride passed, the Towne line, & down the road. Regina looks at Snow. Regina:"I can handle this one." Snow gulps, & gives her a tense smile.:" Of course, it's just, we just don't believe they may be here, for the right reason's Regina." Charming just nods in agreement at her. Regina just gives them a look, Regina:"No, need for concern, as soon as they cause any sign of trouble, they are out of Storybrooke. You can believe in that. Now I need to get back to Henry, I promised him lunch, & no matter what, I am not going to miss it, so your worries over fuzzy & lobster bisque, I'm sure, can just wait."

Melissa Amato

Snow, & Charming alarmed at Regina's lack of care, tho not surprising, begin to slowly get in their truck, & drive back to towne... Mean while Cruella, & Ursula drive back to find a less then ideal situation, the Darkone is awaiting them. Cruella:"Sorry Darling, it took us a while to get back to you. We were being followed." Rumple:"Really, by whom?" Cruella:"The Very UnCharmed Clan, & some beefy eyed Dwarves. Grusome bunch." Rumple:" & the Saviour?" Cruella:" There's no need to worry over her, right now, I believe Regina & the Swan Princess, were having a Tete, about her & the Captivating Captain, having too good a time aboard that ship of his." Rumple:"Just where we prefer them to be." Ursula:" Now about your retrieval, back into the Towne. Rumple:"Right, think I'll take up a disguise, since you proved the Captain is busy, I shall borrow his form." Cruella:"Merry mischief, tho if you're spotted with us, it may look rather fishy. No offense Darlinn." She states turning to Ursula, who was staring at her. Ursula:" Ohh, non taken Trampy." Cruella:"Ohh good one Darlinn, I missed that one. " Cruella laughs heartily. Rumple sneers. Ursula grins. The three prepare for Rumple to cross back over the Towne line, once he gets passed the barrier, he throws away his cane with a graceful flourish, then in a crimson misty cloud of smoke suddenly Captain Hook is with the two women. Cruella laughs, :"Ohh, brilliant Darlinn, so handsome, & wrapped in yummy leather. " Ursula rolls her eyes at the un welcome site. Ursula:" Why him? I think your obsessed with him. " Cruella:" My do I detect a flair of hostility towards the Saviour, my dear Ursula? " Ursula:" Nothing of the sort, I detest them both. " Cruella:" Well, do tell. " Ursula:" It's not worth noting, let's just get back to the car, & Seriously do you have to wear that?" Cruella makes a wounded face, " Awe, I thought he's quite fetching pup. " Ursula:"You would." She chided at her other." Come on, er Rumple. Let's go!" Cruella just nods. Rumple now wearing the Captain, & modeling for his Companions. Cruella giggled, "Ohh, that is too good, I don't care what you say he's perfect Darlinn tall dark & trainable, my favorite, kind, & pre damaged as well, well, well, you scamp, shall we?"

Melissa Amato

They piled into the lush, red, fuzzy interior, of Cruella's Mercedes B. The two women looked strange enough, without they're Special guest the Darkone in the back seat, looking & even sounding like Captain Hook. Ursula"No, this doesn't scream strange at all?" Cruella:" I rather find him better this way, Darlinn's." Ursula": Exactly what I mean, Darlinn?" Cruella laughed, at Ursula's attempt at a dig, & pulled the racy car into gear, & reved the engine, that roared out, & took off like a rocket, down the midnight road, back into Towne. 🎭💗🎭😈😈😈 Jefferson The Mad Hatter:"Ah, Knock, Knock!" Whale Frankenstein:"I don't have the time, right now." Jefferson:"Knock, Knock!" He persisted. Dr. Whale:"Fine who's there?" Jefferson:"The Villians!" Whale:" What are you on about Jefferson?" Jefferson:"Look, I'm most certain, that's Cruella Deville's Jaguar, rolling up, your next door neighbors drive way, my boy." Doctor Whale:"What?!" Jefferson only smirked at him. Jefferson:" Well, there goes the Neighborhood." Doctor Whale:" Nevermind that dear friend, there goes us." Jefferson:" Your fault, should have told the Saviour, all about Gold's evil Genius plan." Dr. Whale:" I don't see, what all the fus is, she's only just arrived. We have no need to panic. Just yet." Jefferson:" No need to panic? It's already begun to get weird, look, Captain Hook, the Sea witch, & Cruella Deville?!" Dr. Whale:" Right, walk into a Bar.& no that can't be right?" Jefferson:" It is, but what doesn't fit here?Is the Captain under a spell?!" Whale:"Or the Darkone is back, & he looks like Captain Hook." Jefferson:" Ohh, that makes more sense to me." Doctor Whale:"Now, does it make things better, or worse, that he is with Cruella, or that he is pretending to be Hook?" 👾🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🎩🃏🍄🎭🍄🍄🐛 ⚓🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️⚓ ☠️⚔️☠️ 🧚✨ 💃🤭LOL Jay. 💗🌏💗🧜🏽‍♀️