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Hey all, I know a bunch of you are probably wondering why I haven’t uploaded the past week, and first of all I wanna say I’m so sorry about that, secondly, I’ve been extremely sick and haven’t been able to get out of bed so recording hasn’t been an option, I’ve avoided all internet mainly because all I wanted to do was sleep, I think I’m getting better now and should have videos up in the next few days, sorry I wasn’t able to stick to my schedule at all this week. I have Anne (3x05) and a few Skam france episodes recorded (I’ve had them recorded for awhile) so I’ll hopefully be able to get them up tomorrow for you guys!

Thanks for continuing to support, it means the entire world to me <3 I’ll be back strong


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I am so sorry that you've been feeling so sick. I truly hope you feel right as rain again in no time. Please don't worry about us and missing posting all of your reactions this week. I understand. Your health comes first. Don't feel pressured to make reactions for us until you're absolutely ready to do so. And when you are... I look forward to your next reaction for Once Upon a Time! :) Feel better. Sincerely, Heidi


Hope you feel better soon :) Take care of yourself :)


Although I was really waiting for Skam France, health is and always should be a priority. Get well soon :)