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Anne 3x02 FULL.wmv * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Anna Hunt

Yeah, this was a tough one. I feel like this show kinda alternates. One episode where everything ends really happy and uplifting, and then the next one everything's falling apart. A testament to how well they do it though, even knowing what was coming I was smiling through most of the reaction. The happy moments are so infectious. All the orphanage scenes were painful, but I loved Cole's speech! And getting to see Cole and Aunt Josephine is always nice. The whole Gilbert/Rose thing is hard too. I really like Rose, and I wish her an amazing life and epic romance, but with anyone but Gilbert. And while I kinda get where Anne's coming from, being upset that she isn't allowed to do things on her own, I wish she wouldn't take it out on him. She's really just driving him away this season. And Marilla. Again, I get where she's coming from. She feels like she's losing Anne and hearing her say she wants to feel loved and learn about her mom. It's not a logical reaction, but it probably is just reinforcing that she's not actually Anne's mother. Also, the Queens exams that Anne's studying for is college entrance, which means she's probably moving away the next year, which I imagine is never easy for any parent. So, not an easy episode to watch. But if it follows the rule, hopefully the next one should be better!