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ouat 4x10 full.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Ceara Abrahamsz

Can I just say, OUAT did a phenomenal job of fleshing out the characters of Frozen! Like I hated the Disney movie, the characters, for me, were very frustrating to watch, and I really didn’t care about their story, their problems, their worries, at all. But OUAT made me actually like and eventually love the OUAT versions of them! The actors were well chosen, and did an amazing job portraying them! Like that scene with Anna and Kristoff in the trunk, underwater...! That scene, everytime, makes me cry! That was so well acted, believable, and, (for lack of a better word) deep! 👏👏🙌


Love this episode, it just has everything - so does the next one really - emotions, drama, fun, all at high levels, I absolutely love Regina in this episode, her subtle looks of WTF and genius one liners like "I should know by now never to trust blondes!" and the fact that she's geniuenly terrified by Snow of all people saying "We're screwed!" xD Super excited for you to see how the Frozen arc wraps up ! I was wondering, once you've finished the show, if you would maybe do like a top 5/10/something of either episodes or arcs or characters (main and recurring) or something like that? Would be fun :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!!! I absolutely agree with you about this episode being one of my overall favorites throughout the entire series. I love Fall, so much, in every way!! First of all... my favorite moment in this entire episode is the most beautiful moment between Emma and Killian, when Killian comes to the sheriff's station to sadly say goodbye to Emma. And what's worse... is that Killian knows he's about to die by Gold's hand and so his goodbye for him is permanent, whereas Emma only believes he's only saying goodbye for the time being for as long as the Snow Queen's Spell of Shattered Sight remains upon them. It's such a beautiful moment . I balled. The emotion we see in both Killian's and Emma's eyes, as well as on their faces... heartbreaking. Especially Killian's tearful goodbye. Phenomenal acting from both Colin O'Donoghue and Jennifer Morrison. Another of my overall favorite moments in this episode is when Anna and Kristoff are trapped inside the trunk beneath the ocean, as Kristoff fights to give the woman he loves the strength to have hope, and when Anna tries to marry him. It's so beautiful and this episode makes me love both Anna and Kristoff all that much more than I loved them before. It has also brought Anna and Kristoff up to be among one of my overall favorite couples throughout all of Once Upon a Time. I love both of their actors, Elizabeth Lail and Scott Michael Foster. :) And my last overall favorite moment within this episode... is a very brief moment when we see Killian hiding from Emma behind the counter at Granny's with the heartbreaking look of guilt and despair on his face. Again... Killian's emotion is breathtaking. Now, as for the Arendelle storyline between Anna and Kristoff... I love it. I love seeing the Snow Queen's freeze spell wear off for an unknown reason at the time, and I love the cute banter back and forth between them. I love seeing Anna and Kristoff fight against Prince Hans and his three brothers. They're very smart. And then they come up with a plan to face Black Beard upon Anna having read in her parents' journal about the Wishing Star that they had possibly gotten from Black Beard, rather than face off against an evil wizard... Rumplestiltskin. Unfortunately, Hans outsmarts them and makes a deal with Captain Black Beard so they can capture Anna and Kristoff, then get rid of them once and for all. And in doing so, Hans plans to kill the heroes, but instead of just making them walk the plank and drowning them, Black Beard forces Anna and Kristoff into a trunk, then throws the trunk overboard with them inside. I hate Hans, aside from appreciating how much the actor chosen to play him being perfect in playing Prince Hans. However, I love the partnership between him and Black Beard... mostly because I just love Black Beard as a villain. He's hilarious and I love Charles Mesure as Black Beard. As for them being aboard the Jolly Roger... I could tell the moment that Hans mentioned Black Beard's enchanted ship's name, that you recognized the Jolly Roger rightfully belonging to Hook. And if you remember from back in season three's episodes, The Jolly Roger and its finale, There's No Place Like Home... Hook knows that Black Beard wants to take the Jolly Roger away from Hook and at first, in the Jolly Roger... Hook defeats Black Beard and takes back the Jolly Roger from him, then as was revealed in There's No Place Like Home... Hook had traded his ship to someone for a magic bean so he could get back to Emma. Now... it was never said then who Hook had traded the Jolly Roger to, but seeing as Black Beard is currently in possession of it in this current episode and present time... it's clear that Hook sadly had to give up his ship and the only home he's known since he and his older brother Liam had been in the Royal Navy together and was trapped in Neverland for over two hundred years, to Black Beard. It's tragic really because Black Beard doesn't deserve Hook's ship, but I absolutely love seeing the connection between this episode Fall, and season three's episodes The Jolly Roger and There's No Place Like Home. Phenomenal. Next... we also learn through Hans that all of Arendelle had been frozen for the last thirty years, which brings this storyline we believed to be in the past, up to the present day... as it leads us into the Storybrooke storyline. And I absolutely love it! Now, as for the Storybrooke storyline... I absolutely love it overall. I like how this storyline begins with another scene between Rumple and Ingrid, as they make a deal between one another. In exchange for Rumple sparing her life and leaving her alone in Storybrooke with Emma and Elsa, the Snow Queen agrees to allow Rumple to leave with Belle and Henry as well. Very smart, as I really enjoy every scene between these two villains. Next... we have each of the scenes where the heroes are trying to come up with a plan to either stop the Snow Queen's Spell of Shattered Sight altogether by using Anna's necklace to either find Anna, or to use the mirror dust embedded in it to cast the fairies' and Belle's spell that can counteract the curse's affects over everyone. I really enjoy each of these scenes with them together. Unfortunately, Rumple forces Killian through his control over Killian's heart to destroy the fairies' and Belle's efforts, by ordering Killian to trap all of the fairies including Blue inside the Sorcerer's hat. And you can see the shattering guilt on Killian's face when he entraps Blue, as he remorsefully apologizes to her for doing so. I absolutely love this moment in this episode. It's very sad and quite exciting. And then... because Rumple destroys all the heroes chances to save themselves from Ingrid's spell, they are all forced to accept that the curse is going to fall over them, so they must plan to protect one another. Which I will talk about in a moment. I enjoy the scenes between Emma and Elsa, while Elsa continues to fight to believe she will find Elsa, even against the other heroes' decision. But more than these... I absolutely love the moment Elsa makes the wish that Anna would be there in Storybrooke with her, not knowing that Anna's necklace is in fact the Wishing Star that her parents had bought from Black Beard after all, yet could never use it to wish away Elsa's ice magic because the Wishing Star requires the wisher to be of pure heart. Elsa's, Anna's, and Kristoff's reunion, as well as seeing Anna and Kristoff become saved from death... is beautiful. Now... the fairies have all become trapped inside the Sorcerer's hat and the heroes have taken the precautions needed to protect one another. I really enjoyed the scene in the sheriff's station when Kristoff greets David again, and they and Anna are brought together again, as well as when David introduces them to Mary Margaret and Emma as his daughter to Anna and Kristoff. I love that Anna questions how Emma can be David's and Mary Margaret's daughter. Very cute. Sadly, Mary Margaret and David lock themselves up into the separate jail cells, while Kristoff must lock himself in cuffs to one of the desks so he too can't hurt anyone. And Emma must take baby Neal to protect him since she, Elsa, and Anna are immune. And later, Mary Mary Margaret shows her fear to her husband, who assures her to have hope. These moments are very sad and touching. I also truly love the moments between Regina and Robin, as well as between Regina and Henry as well. One tiny thing that kind of bothered me though about this episode... it's that Regina tells Robin the only ones who believe in her are him and Henry. However, this isn't true. Everyone believes in her too. Emma, Mary Margaret, David, etc... So hearing her continue to say that she doesn't feel the others believe in her as much too... it's a little aggravating. I also absolutely love the scenes between Rumple and Killian, first in the beginning in the harbor when Killian is first told of Rumple's plans for him and for the fairies, as well as in the end when Killian tries to warn Rumple that he could have Belle's love if he just let go of his lust for power, after which Rumple threatens Killian once more as he tells Killian to enjoy his last day alive. So sad, but their rivalry is amazing as always! And lastly... my final favorite moment in this episode is the sequence showing each of the heroes looking up into the sky as the Snow Queen's Spell of Shattered Sight begins to fall. It's phenomenal and the music is perfect. Everyone looks so afraid and defeated. And we see Anna embrace her sister while she looks over at Kristoff as the spell falls, as well as David and Mary Margaret holding hands, while Emma protects her baby brother. And then... David and Mary Margaret let go and stare at one another coldly once the curse has fallen. It's so sad and frightening, and amazing! I love, love, love this episode so much!! So thank you so much for your amazing reaction!! I am so happy you love this episode and consider it to be not only among your top three favorite episodes in this show, but one of your overall favorite episodes of all of the shows you watch and react to as well. What a compliment! Thank you!! Thank you so much!!! Until your next reaction...

Linda McDonough Garcia

I completely agree!! Fall is one of my favorites throughout season 4. I love love love this episode. Leaves you on an emotional rollercoaster. One of my favorite, if not my favorite, scenes is, like you, when killian goes to the sheriffs station to tell Emma goodbye. So sad & heartbreaking but so beautiful too. I agree Colin & Jennifer were phenomenal in that scene. You could see & feel every emotion they experienced.

Linda McDonough Garcia

Thank you for another great reaction. I thoroughly enjoy your reactions & I’m so happy that you love OUAT!! It’s such a joy to watch someone love & appreciate my favorite show as much as you do. Fall is one of my favorite episodes throughout season 4. Everything about this episode is so beautiful & takes you on an emotional rollercoaster. I love the storybrooke scenes as everyone is trying to decide where to go during the spell/curse of shattered sight. One of my favorite moments is when killian goes to the sheriff station to tell Emma goodbye. And as far as he’s concerned it’s forever. It’s such a sweet & beautiful but heartbreaking scene. The sadness in their eyes & in their voice is overwhelming. I balled the very first time I saw & still cry every time I’ve seen it since. Colin & Jennifer are phenomenal in that scene. I also loved the scene with Robin & Regina as they said their goodbyes. It was so sad after Regina said he needed to be far away from her & Robin said he’s not afraid her & she said but you really really should be. And the scene with Snow & Charming as the curse hit was so heartbreaking. One minute they were holding hands & looking lovingly at each other & as soon as the curse hit they pulled away from each other & the look in their eyes went from love to hate. So sad. Another heartbreaking scene was in granny’s diner when Killian was forced to trap the fairies in the hat. You could see how much it pained him to do so & when he looked right at Blue & apologized as the hat pulled her in it was so sad. And I was crying when he hid behind the counter when Emma & the others came in. I also loved the scenes with Anna & kristoff while they were in the chest. And when she was saying her wedding vows to kristoff it was so beautiful but heartbreaking too. They are so cute together. And they way they came through the portal as Elsa made her wish & brought their past storyline into present day storybrooke was brilliant. And the reunion between Elsa & Anna was so beautiful. I also loved the scene in the sheriff station as kristoff, Anna “Joan”, & David were reunited. It was so sweet & heartfelt. The Disney movie Frozen isn’t one of my favorites, I don’t dislike it but it’s not my favorite, but seeing Once’s version of Frozen & the characters makes me see them in a completely different way. I love their characters in a way that I didn’t in Frozen. When I found out they were doing a Frozen arc I wasn’t sure how I felt but as I started watching them I absolutely loved it. The actors they chose for Anna, Elsa, & Kristoff are spot on & play them perfectly. Overall, I love this episode & you’re reaction to made me love the episode even more. I can’t wait until Friday when you post your reaction to Shattered Sight. It’s another beautiful & emotional episode.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I completely agree!! I love everything about this episode and Jay's reaction to it. And I appreciate how much he loves Once Upon a Time as we do. :)