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OUAT 4x08 & 4x09 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I was so excited when I saw you posted your new reaction for Smash the Mirror Parts One and Two!!!! Thank you, thank you!! And wow... I absolutely love these episodes so much, so I am thrilled that you absolutely loved them. My favorite moments... Of course they all have Hook in them and you know it's because he's my favorite, but you also understand that it's because Colin O'Donoghue is just phenomenal. First... like you, I absolutely love the moment when Killian calls Emma the second time inside Gold's shop and confesses everything to her. I love the emotion he shows. He's so broken and I felt so heart broken for him. This kind of emotional moment is when Colin O'Donoghue shines. He acted this scene and all throughout both of these episodes so phenomenally and I just love him so, so much. :) Second... I love the scenes between Hook and Rumplestiltskin, when Killian runs up towards the mansion to try to save Emma from being sucked into the hat, only for Gold to appear before him to stop him and binds him to the gate. And then, after Gold sees that Emma has changed her mind to go through with giving up her magic, Killian mocks him for his failure and while Gold is disappointed, he reveals to Killian that losing Emma wasn't a complete loss. Unfortunately for Killian, the revelation the Snow Queen had told Gold back in the end of the Snow Queen is that Gold needs the heart of someone who knew him before he became the Dark One, and Gold cruelly and forcefully rips out Killian's heart, becoming in total control over Killian so that now Killian is the Dark One's puppet. I felt so scared and so crushed. Both actors played these scenes so amazingly well. And what a reveal!! It's so amazing. :) And my third favorite moment... is in the end when Killian enters the mansion at last and shows such relief upon seeing that Emma really is okay, as he rushes up to her and pulls her into his arms. Killian loves Emma so much and as this show's viewers, Killian's expressions and emotions prove this. I love how he kisses her despite Elsa still being there, and I love how Killian tells Emma that he loves every part of her. So beautiful. And then... I also absolutely love the expressions we see slightly from both Killian and Emma, yet the emotions that are never explained. Clearly, Killian is ashamed of himself, not only for keeping the truth from Emma despite having tried to confess it to her, but also for getting himself into the position where Gold was able to rip out his heart and take control over him. Killian struggles so deeply with self loathing, and in this moment, it's clear Emma senses something's wrong because of how deeply he kisses her and the pain she sees in his eyes. And this time, Killian can't tell her the truth. So sad and so beautiful. :) Now... I really enjoy the overall backstory between Ingrid, Elsa, and Anna, as well as Kristoff too. Sadly, Kristoff wasn't in these episodes much, but I love every bit of what we see with him. Especially when Kristoff comes into the dining room to protect Anna upon seeing the Snow Queen threaten Anna. But to backtrack a little... I love how Ingrid outsmarts Anna and Elsa despite wanting to see them beat the Snow Queen. I love how Ingrid shares the story of the King from the book, The Trolden Glass about how the King curses his kingdom so they would suffer as he did upon the loss of his daughter. I love also how she finishes, as she casts the Spell of Shattered Sight over Anna after she explains it would take too much power and too many years to be able to cast the spell over all of Arendelle, which eventually leads us to the very in Storybrooke when the Snow Queen finally gains all she needs to cast it over everyone in Storybrooke. And then... we see that once the spell wears off from Anna, after Elsa refuses to hurt her sister despite the spell forcing Anna to pull Elsa into the urn because of her unspoken rage, that the Snow Queen freezes all of Arendelle in rage upon losing not only Elsa because Elsa was stronger in her love for Anna than she hoped, but also because Rumplestiltskin had appeared and magicked the urn with Elsa still inside away from her. I love how Arendelle becomes frozen all over again and I love how Rumple seeks to make a deal with Ingrid. The urn and Elsa, for the Sorcerer's hat. These scenes reveal why Anna is still missing and why Elsa could only hear her sister's heartbeat from Bo Peep's crook, and it reveals how Rumple comes into possession of the urn with Elsa still trapped inside, as was revealed back in season three's finale, There's No Place Like Home. It also reveals how the box containing the Sorcerer's hat came to find its way back at the Sorcerer's mansion as we saw back then as well, as we see that Ingrid chose to make a deal with the Apprentice and the Sorcerer instead of Rumplestiltskin, in exchange for a doorway to finding her third sister... Emma. Brilliant!! And now... as for the present day storyline, I absolutely love it all as well. I especially love the scene near the end between Robin and Regina, as he reveals to Regina Page 23 from the book that could have been in the book had Regina only made the decision to enter inside the tavern that night when Tinker Bell told her about her True Love. But because she ran away instead, a new Page 23 took it's place. So beautiful. I also absolutely love how Regina reveals to Robin her fear of never gaining her happy ending, urging him to seek out the Author for her. I love both scenes between them. I also really love the scene between Regina and Mary Margaret as well, as Mary Margaret encourages Regina to continue to have hope and how Regina mocks Mary Margaret about having a quarter for every time she says the word, "hope." I love the scene between Emma and Elsa inside the Sorcerer's mansion, as Elsa helps Emma find her strength to believe in herself as much as she needs to believe in her loved ones' love for her. And I love how doing so allows Emma to gain back complete control over her magic because she's no longer afraid of it or of hurting them. Very powerful moment for sure. And I love Elsa's and Emma's relationship. They are absolutely sisters. Next... I really enjoy the moment between Emma and Gold inside the mansion as well. I love how Gold manipulates Emma so perfectly, by telling her the complete truth about his deception in order to convince her she is doing the right thing. He makes himself appear to mean well and to want to help Emma, when in truth he's only seeking out her power as a real villain does. He's so good at being so evil. It's amazing. It's sad to us because we know he's also lying to Belle, who is unaware that he's up to no good. But she isn't completely blind to his deception any longer. Her moment in front of the Snow Queen's Mirror inside her lair put the doubts inside her head too. Also... I love the happy moment between the Charming family and Elsa when Emma shows her loved ones that she's okay again, as they celebrate with fireworks in the sky above them. Sadly, Killian was unable to join them since he was forced to enter the library in order to bring the hat back to Gold. But like you said... everyone's smiles in this moment was quite beautiful and heartwarming. :) And lastly... the moment in the very end between Rumple and the Snow Queen was epic, as the two villains face off and show just how unafraid they are of one another. I love how both threaten one another. The real question is... Which of them will come out on top? Overall... such amazing and fabulous episodes, so thank you so much for watching them both together! I am so happy you loved them too and that you feel as I did about that amazing scene with Killian as he confesses to Emma. Sadly, Gold erases it from Emma's phone so that she won't ever hear it, but it takes nothing away from the moment. I can't wait for your next reaction for Once Upon a Time in episode ten... Fall. So beautiful!! Thank you again! Until then...


Been looking forward to this :D And in case you haven't found out, there's only the next two episodes left of the Frozen arc, so episodes 10 and 11 wrap that up - and it definitely is a fantastic arc, one of the best, no doubt! I think the reason it's a little shorter than previous arcs is that the rest of the season is very much about finding the author, and that really can't be rushed, so they gave that some extra time :) Anna's humour is fantastic, the whole "surprise" scene, though short, is so funny, cos it just kind of sums her up so well xD And the "girl talk" scenes between Regina and Snow are so good, love how they've gone from mortal enemies to girlfriends :D "This could be the worst idea you've ever had! And you hired the Wicked Witch as your nanny!" buuuurn, so funny xD I really like how Regina is kind of saviour-esque in this season as well, which sort of started in Zelena's arc, so great to see ^^ The scene at the manor with Emma and Elsa is so intense and beautiful, very sisterly, and just like Killian's voicemail message to Emma it's very well written :) There are some amazing one liners on OUaT, like "I owe somebody a quarter" and "sometimes the best tea cup is chipped" ^_^ Hope to see the next OUaT from you soon, can't wait :D

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

There are actually three episodes still left for the Frozen arc. Episode twelve carries over into the next arc, but it's still a part of the Frozen arc and is the midseason finale.

Linda McDonough Garcia

I enjoyed reading your comments. Needless to say my favorite moments are your favorites too!!!! I love these two episodes