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13rw 3x04 full.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Kastin Nichol

Great reaction!! I don't know why everyone is getting on you about Bryce...like yeah they're showing the more human side of him throughout the show but that doesn't erase his actions. They humanize him, not redeem him. This episode is definitely one of my favorites of the whole season. Tyler's character development is the best of any of the characters. The actor who plays him, Devin Druid, is AMAZING this season. He probably won't but he really really should be nominated for this role. His scenes from here on out just get better and better. Can't wait for the next reaction!!!!

Anna Hunt

Great reaction! I totally agree about Devin Druid, he does an amazing job in this show, and I have enormous respect for him after this. Also, am I the only one who got a little annoyed and Ani this episode? I know she's narrating everything, but the fact that she was involved with helping Tyler and talking about how she watched him get better when she wasn't around for most of it? In order for her to be involved, I feel like someone had to tell her everything and bring her into it, which feels like it would be a major invasion of Tyler's privacy (although that's kinda par for the course in this episode). I don't know, she bugged me a little this episode. And about Bryce, while I do fall in the group that kinda feels bad for him this season, I understand the continued hatred of him. However, I think it's important to show what was going on with his story and that he wasn't all bad, otherwise we fall into the trap of making people too black and white. While I am definitely not excusing anything he did, I think if you don't recognize that he isn't entirely bad, it feeds into the opposite: the idea that because someone does some good things, that means they could never have done awful things like someone accuses them of. I have very mixed feelings about this season :) Anyways though, good reaction, can't wait for the next one!