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anne 2x08 full.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Anna Hunt

This made me so happy today! I just got home from a 16 hr shift when I got the notification, and it made me smile. I like this episode, especially the ending scene. It was really well done with all the colors and the snow. Also I had forgotten about the broach scene. It all kinda comes full circle, with Marilla gifting Anne the broach that almost destroyed everything in the beginning. And Anne being so sad about not having a collection of things from her family in the beginning to Marilla giving her all of hers as if it was a foregone conclusion. This whole show just makes me happy :) About season 3 though, the episodes are coming out on Canadian TV first, starting in Sep. Netflix won't release them until probably November or December. The creator has said she's alternating between releasing it first on Canadian TV and Netflix. Not that I want you to slow down your reactions to this show, but we aren't getting season 3 for a couple months still