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ouat 3x20 full.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Elisa Ingo

The next two episodes are AMAZING! Can't wait!! Love your reactions!


You are going to love love love the season finale! It is honestly one of the best season finales of any show ever - I mean, it's better than GoT series finale xD Hope to see your reaction to it soon, and hope you enjoy it as much as it seems you've enjoyed the entire season :)

Linda McDonough Garcia

Thanks for another great reaction. I was so excited when I saw you posted your reaction. Loved this episode & loved your reaction. And as good as this episode is the last are even better. I can’t wait to rewatch the next two with you & see your reaction. I loved this episode for so many reasons. First of all I loved that Regina defeated Zelena with light magic. I loved that whole scene. It was awesome when Zelena asked Regina what she was doing & she said changing & then she tells Zelena I make my own destiny. Just brilliant. Loved it when Zelena tells Regina you’re not a hero then Regina says today I am. OMG. I loved to Emma & hook scenes, but Emma is so dang stubborn & prideful. You can clearly tell she cares for hook but can’t admit it. She sacrificed her magic to save him, but yet she acts like doesn’t have feelings for him. The next two episodes are epic & are two of my favorite of season 3. And out of the first three seasons the season 3 finale is the best. It’s phenomenal. Can’t wait!!!!!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Yay!!! Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction for Once Upon a Time!!! I absolutely agree with you that Hook and Regina were the two characters who stood out above the rest in this episode. They are amazing!! First... one of my absolute favorite moments was when Hook continued to convince Emma that she and Henry belong in Storybrooke with their family and friends, and though he didn't say it... with him too. Sadly, because she's still being so stubborn and denying her true feelings, Emma mocked him to hurt him saying it for him because she knows how he feels about her. And then... of course Zelena and Rumple interrupt them and because Zelena knows how Hook feels about Emma too, and how Emma feels about him despite Emma's denial, Zelena orders Rumple to drown Hook in the well outside of her farmhouse in order to force Emma to sacrifice her powers if she wants to save Hook's life. As cruel as her words are, I love Zelena's lines, "See, Emma, you’ve got a decision to make. You can keep your magic which makes you oh so sad, or you can save the man that you can’t wait to run away from." Such a brilliant quote. I love it!! And then... of course Emma rushes over to try to save Hook by pulling him free, but she's unable to because Gold is holding him under water with his dark magic. However, Gold and Zelena both disappear once they know Emma will have no choice but to put her lips to Hook's by giving him mouth to mouth if she wants to save him. And sadly, yet thankfully, Emma does so. The only way to save Hook is if Emma sacrifices her magic by giving him mouth to mouth and kissing his cursed lips. And what a beautiful moment it was. I loved it. And on top of all... when Hook awakens, his first thoughts are fear for Emma upon feeling her lips touch his, knowing that Emma just sacrificed her magic to save him. Beautiful and perfect!! Next... I love the moment between Regina and Henry in the hospital as Henry encourages Regina that she has the power to defeat Zelena. That Regina has the light magic to defeat her. Then... Regina defeats Zelena when she finds the strength and will to fight her with light magic, not dark magic like she's always used until this moment. Such a powerful moment!! Next... I love how conniving and deceitful Gold was in the end of this episode. As frustrating and angry as I felt as well, the moment Gold comes to Zelena in the jail and reveals the truth about keeping the dagger after he had lied to Belle about giving it to her. That he had switched the daggers, giving Belle a fake dagger. It's rotten and terrible, but so brilliant... proving once again that Gold is the more powerful villain and always has a plan. I love the moment between him and Zelena just before he then kills her, all so he can get revenge for killing his son. However... this is what still bothers me. The truth is that Zelena really didn't kill Neal. She manipulated the situation and gave Neal a way to resurrect Rumplestiltskin, but Neal resurrected his father of his own free will. He knew that the price of doing so would cost him dearly and even knew that it would cost him his own life. Neal did made the decision to do so, and died on his own free will. He not only brought Rumple back, but allowed for Zelena to take Rumple prisoner too. It just has always bothered me that everyone blames Zelena for killing Neal when she really didn't. Now... I also really like the moment between Henry and Archie in the hospital too. It was short, but sweet. I like that Archie told Henry he was happy to see him again, since Henry hadn't been to see him in their therapy sessions on account of Henry having no memories of Archie. I love the moment David hands Mary Margaret their son back once they've defeated Zelena. So sweet. And then... Emma and Henry return to the hospital room and everyone's happy. Except for Hook, who also returns with Emma too. Sadly, Emma tells him that after everything, she's still planning on taking Henry back with her to New York, and Hook is heartbroken. I am so happy you recognized this moment. It's so sad because the look in his eyes shows he's brokenhearted by her decision to leave. He loves her so much and yet he believes she doesn't care about him like he longs for her to in return. So good! As for the flashback scenes in Oz with Zelena, Glinda, Dorothy, and the other two sister witches... I liked the storyline a lot, especially with how Zelena faked her death in order to get Dorothy out of the way so she could continue with her plans to discover how she can travel back in time to destroy Regina. I love the twist with the Wizard of Oz storyline as Dorothy uses water to kill the Wicked Witch, yet that it was all a ruse to stay in power of Oz. Just like Elphaba in the Broadway show Wicked did. Brilliant!!! And... I really liked the moment Gold proposes to Belle. Even though Rumple deceived her when he promised her that he wouldn't go after Zelena to kill her, I still believe that he was genuine in his love for Belle and wanted to be that good man for her despite having no intention of obeying Belle's wish. It was still a beautiful moment between these True Loves. And lastly... Zelena may be dead, but her magic is now loose and has escaped Regina's vault to open up the time portal after all. I can't wait for you to see what's to come. Just you wait!! Kansas seems like it could be a season finale all on its own, but it's not. There's still one more two part episode to come and it's going to be thrilling!!! Overall... another fabulous and beautiful episode!! I love, love, love it so thank you so much! I'm so excited for your reaction for the two part finale!!! Thank you like always!!! This was a really fun reaction and I loved everything you said in it and how you reacted to what I love about it. Until the finale...


Wonderful reaction, thank you, Jay. The last two episodes are asolutely incredible, for me definitely the best from OUAT finales and one of the best out of all series I have watched, I'm sure you're gonna love it. Can't wait to see your reaction, please don't leave us hanging for too long :) Would you perhaps consider doing a double reaction, as the finale was originaly broadcasted as two-hour episode? :)