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OUAT 3x19 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

These last few episodes are phenomenal. I love them all, so thank you again, so much! A Curious Thing... quite beautiful. I am so happy how the curse is finally broken and what a twist! I couldn't believe that it was Snow and Charming who cast the curse all along when I first watched this episode. I didn't see that coming at all. How crushing for Snow knowing she has to crush the heart of her True Love, so that they would be able to get back to their daughter, so she can defeat Zelena and save everyone else. Yet... as cheesy as it might be for some people, I still absolutely love that Snow believed that her heart and love for David was strong enough to withstand being split in two in order to save him. True Love is most definitely the most powerful magic of all. Unfortunately, Zelena was clever too and ruined their plans by adding the forgetting potion into the curse. It's a good thing she only made one strong enough to wipe away everyone's memories for the last year, and not completely like Regina did in the original curse cast back in season one. Ooo... she really is wicked and terrifyingly so, just like you said. But I love the flashback scenes with Snow, David, and Regina that included Zelena, Glinda the Good Witch of the South, as well as with Zelena and Rumple, and then Neal too, who we finally discover sent Hook the message along with the memory potion, knowing that if anyone would fight to get back to Emma and to save her, it would be Hook. What a brilliant reveal! As for the storylines within Storybrooke... First, I liked how Mary Margaret found the storybook inside the box when Emma looked and couldn't. It shows that Emma's once again lost belief in herself and in being the Savior, and that she's denying it so hard because she's struggling with finding out what she truly wants. She thinks she wants to return home to New York with Henry, but there's much more to wanting to leave. So much more. Second... I love that the relationship with Regina and Robin has developed further and it's so beautiful. I really love them as a couple and they're so perfect for one another. They're opposites, but they're good for one another. I also love how in the past scenes, Regina denies she likes Robin and pushes him away from her, yet in Storybrooke, she continues to gravitate towards him. For a long time, Regina has believed she doesn't deserve to have happiness again after Daniel, especially after what happened to him and after all the pain she's caused so many people. However, I love how Robin continues to try to get her to believe that she does deserve happiness again. That she deserves to find love again. So beautiful. :) Next... I also really loved how Hook tried to protect Henry after Zelena threatened him again, even if it was wrong to help him to run away. Hook has most definitely come to care for Henry very much and it's so sad that Emma was angry with him for not telling her the truth and trying to protect him. Hook had no choice. Like Hook said to her when she became angry with him, Zelena backed him into a wall and he couldn't risk telling anyone, out of fear of Zelena hurting those Emma loves. And then David and Mary Margaret only add to his pain by getting mad about him lying to them too. Although, in their case... they don't believe him about how he got the memory potion and a message telling him to find Emma. None of them trust him right now and it's crushed him. And Zelena of course ratted him out to Emma making her think for a moment that he was actually working with her in order to taunt him. Poor Hook. I'm kind of mad at Emma for treating Hook so badly while he's struggling with trying to help her and protect her and everyone she loves. And lastly... Henry's memories have returned and he remembers Regina's his mother, and Regina kiss on his head broke the curse, which proves that Regina has True Love in her life, not only with Robin, but most of all the love she feels for Henry. And their love is powerful. So beautiful. Now... the heroes have to defeat Zelena and free Rumple. Unfortunately, Mary Margaret is now in labor. Which means Zelena's very close to getting everything she wants. Ooo... what a cliffhanger! Overall... I too absolutely love this episode!!! So thank you so much for your reaction!! I can't wait for the final episodes!!! They're incredible! Until next time...


“Everything was Rumple!” Truer words were never spoken, my friend. 😉 Great reaction as always. Very happy to get this notification.


This episode is absolutely one of my all time faves, I've watched it so many times! It really has it all - drama, thrills, action, emotions, funny parts, it's so well written as well and just filled with great scenes and interactions! I love how it's all kind of turned upside down as well in this episode, with Snow suddenly casting the dark curse and Regina breaking it! I've always really loved the development of Snow and Regina's relationship, just like the previous episode where they're sitting at the table at the end just talking like an actual family, so great. Plus Regina's snarky looks and comments about "smelling the roses" and "the handless wonder" - just love her xD You are going to love the final episodes of the season, I have no doubt! Can't wait to see you freaking out about it in every way possible :D