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OUAT 3x18 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Linda McDonough Garcia

I’m having trouble watching recent OUAT reaction. It keeps saying generating preview & little icon keeps spinning like it’s trying to upload but nothing is happening.

Linda McDonough Garcia

Never mind it’s working now. I can’t wait to see your reaction. Actually I can’t wait to see your reactions to rest of the season!!!


Glad it's working for you <3 the site I use is kinda iffy at times and takes forever. Hope you enjoy the reaction!


Nope, sorry. Can't feel bad for Cora. She was a manipulative gold digger who gave up her own child for the chance to have power. She deserved everything that happened to her. Actions have consequences. Snow wonders what happened to change her mother, and I believe it was motherhood. Realizing that another person relies on you for everything is a huge shift for someone. Cora chose to give her baby up and had already ripped out her own heart by the time Regina was born, so she never had the chance to feel that life-changing love a child brings. After all, her last words to Regina, after her heart was restored, were "This would have been enough. You would have been enough." If she had kept Zelena (and her heart) I believe her life would have been much different. No, she likely wouldn't have been queen (and of course, the story wouldn't have happened because Regina would never have been born), but she could at least have had a chance at true happiness and love. All that being said, another fantastic reaction. :D

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction for Once Upon a Time! I really quite enjoyed your reactions, though this episode for me is one of the weaker ones. And I only say that because I'm not really much of a fan of Cora, especially young Cora. Rose McGowan plays young Cora really well, but she was a real witch back then herself and I do somewhat feel sorry for her after watching this episode because it was cruel of Jonathan to trick her so cruelly, but the truth is... Cora wasn't really forced to give up Zelena. She willingly chose to give her away because Cora was selfish and wanted a better life for herself and not for her child. She stated... "I have to give you up so that I can have my best chance." Or something like that. It would have been a hard life for a miller's daughter to raise a child all on her own, but if she truly loved her child, she could have done it. Poor people even back in those days did all the time. Cora was greedy and selfish though. Even before she ripped out her own heart so she wouldn't risk love getting in the way of what she wanted. She only ever cared about herself. She always chose her own self and power over Regina too. So in all honesty... I really can't feel too bad for Cora. In this circumstance, Zelena was the innocent and I feel the most bad for her. Now... Zelena has chosen to allow her hate and jealousy to consume her, so I can only feel bad for her to a small degree. I really loved Zelena in her interaction with Regina in the beginning of this episode. Not quite as much with Rumple, though she is certainly eerie and dark. I hated the moment when Rumple began to make love with her, even if it was so he could try to steal the dagger. Any relationship with him and Zelena is just wrong because we know from back in season two's episode, The Miller's Daughter, that he had a relationship with Cora too. Both of their relationships just weird me out. However, with all that being said... I liked Regina's plan to talk with Cora to try to learn about why Cora had given Zelena up. I loved the moment young Cora in ghost form attacked Mary Margaret and that Regina fought her mother to protect Mary Margaret. And I especially loved the talk between Regina and Mary Margaret in the end once all was well again. It was a beautiful moment between these two and it shows how far their friendship, as well as relationship between stepmother and stepdaughter has come. I also loved the moments with Hook and Emma too. Hook is clearly feeling guilty over the trouble he's in with Zelena and he's angry, and is struggling to keep from lashing out. But he's still very good with Emma too and wants to protect her. Their moment at the diner before Belle charges in and interrupts them is cute. And lastly... I love, love, love Regina coming to Robin in forest at the end to kiss him at last upon getting good advice from Mary Margaret. At last... they are together. I felt so bad for Robin when Rumple threatened to kill his son, so of course it's understandable that he gave up Regina's heart to save him. And I'm so grateful that Regina understood that. Of course she would, because she knows she would do anything for Henry too. And I love that Regina assures Robin that she does understand his sacrifice. So beautiful. That is true love right there. I completely agree, Jay! Thank you again! I can't wait for the next episode!! And by the way... you actually have four episodes left... the final two being a two part finale, which I am so excited for!!!! So, until next time...

Linda McDonough Garcia

OMG loved your reaction. The look on your face was priceless when it dawned on you that the prince Leopold that met young Cora is also snow’s father. And like Regina & snow said the issues in their relationship does go a lot deeper than what they thought. I also enjoyed the interaction between Regina & snow. It was as very heartwarming. They certainly have come a long way. I also love the kiss between Regina & Robin. I love them as a couple. It was a great episode. One of my favorites of season 3 & episode 19 & 20 are really good too, but my favorite are 20 & 21 aside from episodes 5 & 6 when Emma & hook kissed for the first time & then we he admitted his true feelings for Emma. I can’t till you see what happens in the season finale. It’s epic!!! Thanks for another great reaction & I definitely look forward to see your reactions to the last four episodes.

Linda McDonough Garcia

I agree with you about not feeling sorry for Cora. I loved jays reaction but I didn’t agree with him about that. She made the decision to give Zelena up cause she thought it would keep her from a life of power & money. And I also think it was motherhood & Ava “growing up” in the process that changed her.

Linda McDonough Garcia

I agree with some things you said. First, I too didn’t feel sorry for Cora. She wasn’t really forced to give Zelena up. It’s not like she was given an ultimatum either give up this baby or I won’t marry you. No, she chose to give her up because as you mentioned she told Zelena I’m doing this to give me my best chance. It was a selfish decision, but then Cora is selfish. And then Cora throws a tantrum & tried to act like she’s the victim. It’s like when my kids at school cry & pout when they get in trouble & have to sit in time out. I tell them you made the choice to not listen, not do what you were told, or hurt your friends so you have to deal with the consequences. But, unlike you I really liked this episode. Though I never liked Cora(younger & older version) I did enjoy the backstory & we find out exactly how deep the history with Regina & snow goes. It definitely makes the episode in season 2 “the queen is dead” make more sense. To me Cora killing Ava wasn’t just so Regina could be queen but to get revenge on Ava for sabotaging her wedding to the prince. But, I also liked it cause ant episode with hook is a great episode. I also loved the scenes at the end with Regina & snow & Regina & Robin. I too thought Regina $ snows scene was beautiful & very heartwarming. They really have come a long way. And I also love Regina & Robin together. That kiss was awesome. I’m looking forward to the next episode. I really like that one, but the last two are my favorites out of the next four. I’m so excited to see jays reactions.


Yay, OUaT! :D Great reaction as always! As the others have said in the comments I do also think that Cora could have decided to keep Zelena if she hadn't been so consumed with the idea of getting power. I mean, just rewatch the scene where "prince" Jonathan proposes, how you can see her change when she sees the royal crest. And then again when Leopold introduces himself, she wallowed and couldn't look up at first, but as soon as the word prince is said her eyes light up because now she can try again - truly opportunistic. The last 5ish minutes of the episode were so good, totally agree! Can't wait for your reactions to the final episodes of the sesaon - and I hope you'll be doing the two finale episodes in one :)