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ouat 3x16 full.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fabulous reaction for Once Upon a Time!!! I was so excited to be able to watch a new one this morning. I really enjoyed this episode and loved your reaction to it! Now... my favorite scenes in this episode was just what you loved about it too. I loved the battle between Regina and Zelena, and that Regina won by being smart enough not to keep her heart in her chest thanks to learning from Cora. I also absolutely loved the moments between Hook and Henry, as Hook tells Henry about Neal when he was a boy. It's funny how Hook talked about knowing Neal and teaching him how to sail and navigate the stars when Neal was just a boy, and that Henry was even more confused as he asks Hook about him being and Neal being the same age. Hook is actually well over two hundred years old thanks to Neverland. And Neal was about two hundred years old as well. Maybe a little less. So funny. Also... I loved the moments between Regina and Robin too. They are so cute and perfect together. :) Also... I enjoyed Zelena's backstory showing why she became the Wicked Witch. How she came to be taught by Rumple, how she came to Oz, how she came to to become green because she grew jealous of Regina being Rumple's favorite and that he chose Regina to cast his curse over her, and how she met and turned Walsh... the "great and terrible Oz", into her first flying monkey. I also liked the beginning scene showing the heroes mourn as they bury Neal. It was a beautiful scene. And lastly... I loved seeing Tinker Bell again as she tries to help Regina realize that she and Robin belong together once more. And at last... Regina does realize that she and Robin can be together. :) What a fabulous episode. Again... I really enjoyed your reaction for it. I can't wait for the next episode reaction. The next episode is one of my overall favorite episodes from season three. I'm so excited to see your reaction for it. So, until next time... Thank you!


Yay :D Such a great witch fight - green vs red, haha. Love how things on OUaT come full circle in different ways, I mean having The Wizard of Oz be the guy Emma was dating in NY, genius, cos it could have just been any flying monkey. And yeah, the dialogue, the tension, the fire between Regina and Zelena is so good! Zelena is a super complex and layered character, sure she seems a lot like just a jealous witch who didn't get her way, but there is so much pain behind her motivation and plans and it just shines through her so well! You're going to love the rest of the season, no doubt!

Ceara Abrahamsz

Every time you post a OUAT reaction, it just completely makes my day! Thank you, and really looking forward to the next one! 🙏❤️