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TVD 5x13 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



Great reaction! No matter whether people love or hate this storyline, I love these last couple of episodes just for Nina's acting. The way she is able to play Katherine pretending to be Elena, and do it in such a way that it's obvious that it's not just Nina playing Elena, but at the same time is believable that Elena's friends would be fooled, just really impresses the hell out of me. Also, while I can't in any way condone the way Damon is behaving, I kind of love watching him going off the rails and behaving like a maniac.

Kendall DeSouza

I have a theory that Katherine's obsession with Stefan is fueled by the doppleganger's being drawn together. While I do think she really did love stefan it was somehow being amplified by whatever magic drew her to him the way the sire bond amplified Elena's love for Damon until, just like he promised, that love consumed her. So Stefan is literally her kryptonite and while I dont think it would stop her from betraying him or even if it came down to it killing him she cant help but keep going after him even at the cost of her schemes.