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Hey guys, I just wanna apologize for being inactive the past few weeks, I just started a new job and I've been super busy with holiday stuff, I should be able to get reactions out fairly fast now, thank you for sticking with me <3

I wish you all the best this year, hope it's filled with happiness, love, and everything you ask for. See you all soon!



Happy new year to you as well! And congrats on the new job :)

Nui Tammakoon

Happy New Year to you, Jay! All the best for 2019!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you very much! And Happy New Year to you as well!! Please don't apologize for life keeping you busy. Believe me, I understand how busy life can be. Congratulations on beginning work in your new job! I wish you all the luck with it and in everything else in your life! You're very welcome to have my continued support. Sincerely, Heidi

Cheryl Stocking

Happy New Year to you too. And congratulations on your new job. I really look forward to your reactions and I know how life just gets so busy it's hard to find time for everything.


Good ;-)

Edgar Navas

Hello I wanted to know what happened to AOS 1x22 the Finale. When can we expected on YouTube? Thanks.