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TVD 5x03 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



The Queen, Qetsiyah, has joined the fray. I love that crazy bitch <3


I agree that the whole love triangle thing is played out, but if you pay attention, of all the people insisting that Elena is still conflicted over who she wants to be with (in this episode alone, Katherine, Qetsiyah, and even Damon), there is one person who isn't questioning who Elena belongs with, and that is Elena herself. So, ask yourself, when it comes to the question of who Elena wants to be with, whose opinion matters the most? I mean, yes, Elena was having dreams about Stefan, but those dreams weren't a product of her own mind, they were planted there by Qetsiyah. And IMO, Elena's focus on finding Stefan and helping Stefan is almost entirely about the fact that she does still love him -- as a friend -- and she feels guilty about the fact that he spent the whole summer suffering while she was having the best summer of her life and she never even knew he was missing.

Lynell Twiner

Do you have a schedule for posts? Sorry newer to your channel. Mainly TVD, The Originals, and of course TWD when it returns