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I don't know if this is going to make sense, but when Elena said that she felt like Stefan saw her as a broken toy or as a problem that needed to be fixed, I don't think she was talking about the fact that he wanted to find the cure for her so much as about the way he was doing it. In the past, he had always allowed her to make her own decisions, this time he had made a deal with Klaus and was working with him behind her back and lying to her about what he was doing. He was making the choice for her without even talking to her about it. As much as she wanted to be human, it's possible that she would have decided it wasn't worth it if it meant working with Klaus, just like she also decided she didn't want it if finding the cure meant stripping Jeremy of his humanity. IMO, because of the way Stefan was doing things, lying, working with Klaus, not even asking her opinion, the way Elena sees it, Stefan wasn't looking for the cure for her because she wanted to be human. That's the reason Damon wants to get the cure, but she feels like Stefan wants it for another reason. The same reason Damon suggested might be the case when he first found out about the cure -- Damon had asked whether Stefan wanted the cure because Elena hated being a vampire or because Stefan couldn't love vampire Elena. Regardless of whether Damon was right about that, I think that's the way Stefan has been making Elena feel -- like he doesn't want the cure for her, so that she can be the person she wants to be, but for himself, so that she can be the person he wants her to be.

Diane A

Rebekah really preformed a service even though it was brutal. It helped clarify in Elena's mind exactly how she feels about Damon--and Stefan. Although Elena was really hurt that she was hurting Stefan because she does love him as a friend. Her expression after she blurted out that she slept with Damon not because of the sire bond but because she was in love with him said it all. And although Damon was stunned to hear Elena declare her love for him, he still can't bring himself to trust that Elena's feelings are real. After all, all he'd been hearing from the two women he's loved was, "I love Stefan and it will always BE Stefan" until Elena turned and that's done a real number on his head.