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Skam 2x10 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



Its obvious Noora didnt Tell William because she wants to spare him and pretect him. Earlier in the classroom scene he told her about his brother being phyco, and added that he would kill him if he tried to come between Noora and William. I’m sure William would have, so is Noora. Probably why she didnt tell him.


Russ is at the end of your 3rd and last year. The norwegians party before their final exams. So being russ happens once, like graduating High School. In Norway the make groups, busses. They buy a bus and party on it. Thats why the girls got to to have rullepladser in season 1, they got to go Rolling and partying With the penetrators.

Henrik Schröder

The long stretches of silence are glorious. The show knows exactly when to use them, and they still say more than any dialogue.

Henrik Schröder

Also, you're right that ice cream is an uncountable noun, so that piece of lost in translation is on me. :-) The annoying part though is that what Chris is talking about in the clip could mean either that she's eaten five popsicles or five ice cream cones or five ice cream sandwiches or five shaved ice or whatever combination. Hm...


Of course she should have told him earlier ! She was afraid for his reactions,and he was reading for his finals those dayes.It was some lovely sms between the two of them in between,by the way. I think she finally was ready to tell him-but Nico unfortunately told him first.The end of this season shows that William was capable of making some right decisions compering right and wrong.I don't think he would have killed Nico,if Noora had told him before.


ugh yes the texts from this episode are so beautiful. my favorite skam text convo is probably the one where noora asks william if he's taking care of her after he won't stop texting her and making sure she's alright even though he needs to study for his finals and he replies "always"


There’s a perhaps telling bit of dialogue going on between Vilde and Eva just as Noora gets the text from Nico. It’s easy to miss because our focus is on Noora. They’re talking about Mari and Noora says the worst thing she could say would be that Noora had sex with her too. And then Vilde says “There’s nothing wrong with the feelings you can get when you’re with a girl. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a lesbian. I have, for instance, made out with Eva quite a few times.” Eva says: “What kind of feelings?” And Vilde says: “Horny.” 😊 It’s for the Evilde shippers out there.


Okay, this might just be the best reaction yet. You two are so adorable together and so involved and passionate about this show! So great to see not just sympathy for these characters, but empathy too; which so often seems to be lacking in people these days. Also, Natalie’s little disappointed face when you didn’t notice she was trying to kiss you was the cutest thing ever! I do have some (too many) questions though: Whose house are you filming these in? What’s the name of the cute little dog in this reaction, and whom does he belong to? Whose dog is Achilles? Do you have a fish tank somewhere in the room? Is that the humming noise in the background? Do you have a rabbit as well? How many pets do you own?! Are there any more to introduce to us? Looking forward to all your future reactions and huge congratulations on getting your old YouTube channel back!