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TVD 4x04 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub





Oh my sweet summer child, you’re in for A LOT of rude awakenings and I can’t wait to see your reactions to them!!!


Taurion is si right Jay....things aren't always what they seem :)


Both Stefan and Damon are trying to do the right thing by Elena, from their perspective. Stefan is trying to fix the situation, part of him blames himself for Elena being a vampire. Damon doesn't see that Elena is broken, he just think she needs to learn to adapt and come to terms with it and that will be the best way for her to survive. The problem now is Stefan is lying to Elena and Elena was lying to Stefan because she enjoyed it and doesn't feel she can tell him what happened. The question I often have regarding that dance scene is how far would it have gone if Bonnie hadn't have walked in on them? Would it have been Denver motel mk2 or would they have gone all the way? Stefan actually did commit a major sin, he compelled Jeremy without Elena's knowledge. The porch scene was with the 3 of them was painfully awkward.


I agree with most of this, but I don't think Elena was actually lying when she said it was awful. I mean, yes, she had fun and, while it was happening, it was far from awful, but once she came down and was no longer high on booze and blood, I believe she was horrified at the fact that she did enjoy it. And a lot of that is because of Bonnie's reaction. Elena lets what other people think influence her decisions far too much. I think, if Bonnie hadn't walked in, or if she hadn't been so upset about the way Elena was acting, Elena would be feeling a little guilty about the way she'd been dirty dancing with Damon (assuming that's as far as it went, but you're right, if Bonnie hadn't walked in, who knows if more might have happened with Damon that night) but that otherwise, she wouldn't feel so horrible about the fact that she'd had fun that night.

Chantelle Miles

Delena are meant to be. hope you end up shipping them as much as stelena. & tbf stefan hasnt been making anything better for elena at all since she turned, Damon has, which is why elena has been lying to him and going to damon for help when she couldnt feed, when she was being sick in church, damons been there to stop her losing control.