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Skam 2x06 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



Wow! Fast as promised :)

Thomas Pearce

"You're not a secret agent, William!" LOL

Thomas Pearce

Remember Jay's original reaction to this episode? During the bed kissing scene with William and Noora, Jay made a comment about "morning breath"...and here Nat did the same. LOL


all i wanted in life was for isak and chris to experiment together lol. i can see chris being bi...or at least curious haha.


Another great (bonus) reaction from the two of you. I so admire your willpower and skill in not giving away what’s going to happen, and I also love how insightful Natalie is, although I guess the better subtitles this time around helps with that. Were you acting for Nat’s benefit, or did you, even second time through, really not understand why William would want to get Noora out of his kitchen as quickly and efficiently as possible? If you were acting, you definitely should try out for Skam Austin! Age limit, be damned!

Henrik Schröder

> although I guess the better subtitles this time around helps with that. Thank you! :-)


HELP, where to watch skam with english subtitles?