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Shadowhunters 2x13 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



omg!!!! 2 for one special!!!


Two episodes! You're spoiling us :)

Ragan Michelle

I’m really happy that you noticed Magnus’ default when he’s feeling upset or stressed is to drink, many people miss that. I’m also happy that you noticed why Magnus was upset with Alec. Just a few days prior he was tortured and almost executed with the the help of Alec himself because Alec was only following orders from the Clave. And Magnus is literally the most loyal character I’ve ever seen, it just makes me love him more. Also I agree, Maia and Jace are HOT, even though I ship her and Simon more I wasn’t going to complain about Jace and Maia. Alec Lightwood is now head of the institute and it’s gonna be a ride. Now Malec is the true power couple, Alec-head of the institute, and Magnus-High Warlock of Brooklyn


People have a bad tendency to only see ONE side ...they both had valid points. Jace was stuck between a rock and a hard place, a newly found grandmother, being appointed as head of the institute ( that he never wanted) and not wanting to hurt his friends. Imogen was pulling all the strings before she left, not Jace. If you really think about it Jace is the most selfless person on this show, as much as he tries to hide it.


Yes Magnus was very upset - clearly so - when he is hiding his feelings he drinks and acts a lot more extravagant (hense the glittery outfit ) it’s a shield. He’s still experiencing trauma from being tortured and he’s hiding it. The Clave is the one that tortured him - so Alec asking for dna FOR the people that tortured him....it’s understandable. Alec was a little clouded but learned from his actions and stuck up for the downworlders. (Also that dot and Magnus scene was also a hint at proving bisexual people don’t cheat aka breaking stereotypes ). also Malec are both leaders now ;) Magnus - head of the warlocks and Alec head of the Shadowhunters POWERCOUPLE!!! “I want a malec episode.” - episode 18 ;) that’s all I’m saying

Crystal Balogh

Can't wait for the rest of the season it is so epic


Yes. Seemed like Imogen wanted absolute power to protect, from her point of view, rather than dominate or submit, their point of view, the rest of the world. An example I think is her change of reaction to Jace after learning he was a Herondale. She tends to look more towards the power side of things, instead of having teamwork and people coming together to accomplish a goal or keep things in line.


I did like seeing Simon singing. He was in a band for How long and we never got to see or hear any of it. Even better that it was him singing, and not some dub of someone else or some radio song playing during the scene :-) .