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Shadowhunters 2x06 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub




Julia Green

magnus is the best

Ron Salon

Fantastic reaction, man. It makes me happy to know that you're going to catch up so you can go through the next season with us. #Cheers

Natalie Doran

Malec is legit the highlight of every episode.


AMAZING REACTION. Just a tiny heads up. There’s a certain scene next episode that people were annoyed got cut off but it is shown in a much later episode for an emotional attack.


I really loved your reaction to this episode!!! A lot of your comments made me laugh out loud or smile: like when you indignantly said simon could leave his stink WHEREVER he wanted to (exactly! he must’ve meant lovely scent!), when you unironically said you wanted to be an iron sister too (ahaha same!), when you exalted magnus’ knowledge/wisdom/general perfection and unwittingly foreshadowed a much needed malec kiss, when you felt dismayed on izzy’s behalf over the yin fen, when you rejoiced at seeing malec doing something fun and not worrying about shit for once (big mood), when you were amused at magnus hustling alec at pool, when your prediction for magnus’ number of exes was off by 16,700 (lol 300!), when you were truly concerned for luke’s buttnaked state and appreciated his character (thank you!), when you enjoyed the conversation between simon and maia and began shipping it just one anecdote in (yes i love them and their chemistry too!!!!! i felt their exchange in this episode had some of the best development between any two characters - they both have such raw acting abilities), and when you went through that sharp range of expressions during the last malec scene (you went from disappointed and frustrated to triumphant to shocked to elated so quickly hahaha :’D i relate so hard when i recall watching it for the first time. i’m so proud of alec too! he knows when someone is worth it!). I just love how supportive, defensive, empathetic, and invested you are with the characters. You’re always on their sides or understanding (unless it’s valentine or aldertree) and you’re never demeaning to the female characters. And of course I love your continued love for magnus <3 I’m really happy you’re trying to catch up ahead of season 3! If it’s not too much trouble for you I think it’ll be fun to watch it live together! Thank you for your reaction!


Jace. The ultimate cockblock! :@