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Skam 1x09 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub


Thomas Pearce

Natalie is so quick to forgive Isak! She hasn't even seen his explanations/excuses and she's already forgiven him. LOL! Though she does grasp that Isak didn't mean for it to blow up the way it did. Kudos to her for that, because I didn't--- I wanted to kill Isak after seeing this episode!


honestly i forgave him right away, i wasn't even mad at him lol. He's a sweet baby. I figured it wasn't done in a hateful way...


"I love him, shut up." me when anyone tries to fight me about Isak, lol. He's my lil bean. I will forever defend him haha.

Lykke Hornemann Hansen

Loved this, and how Natalie sees things in a different way. Isak, Isak your littel snake, I love you so much. Hey Jay I saw "Call me by your name yesterday", go and see it, it`s amazing! Temothee Chalament`s acting reminds me at bit Tarje`i`s acting, all these things they say with theirs eyes and facial expressions- wow!!!!! and the chemistry between the lovers as in season 3!!!!!


I was so confused by this and it took me a long time to realise that what Isak had done was to send a tip to a fb page called Nissen hook, where the students gossip about who hooked up with who at the latest party. Apparently that’s a thing kids do. *insert eye roll emoji*

Siv-Merete Høiland

Yep. That page exists. Pictures after every party saying who hooked up with who (as in kissed). Nissen hook. So, Isak basicly spread it to the whole school. That’s pretty awful..

Nui Tammakoon

It could be that many don’t follow Nissenhook. Or don’t even know it exists (esp. first year) . 😊


Season 1 really is so good. I was waiting for Natalie's reaction to Isak and I loved it. Thank you both for doing these reactions <3


"I forgot how good season 1 is...wow" - Everyone watching it for the second time. This episode is just TEARS, and o.O to :O I LOVE IT! Eva's apology to Ingrid...That scene owns my heart. And I thought Natalie was going to rip Isak to threads hahaha, her reaction was priceless, so cute and funny!