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TVD 3x19 FULL.mp4 * Files * Full Reaction * Onehub



What Rose said is important because it embodies both Stelena and Delena perfectly. When Elena's parents passed away, her life felt volatile and she needed a sense of stability, and Stefan's safe, caring personality offers that to her. With Stefan she doesn't feel the need to fear the unknown. That's where Damon comes in and all of Elena's confusion starts. Damon represents the unknown, the electricity of unlimited possibility and surprise, and this is what Elena has been hiding from because of her loss. The feelings she's been fighting to avoid because of the pain they are associated with, are brought out when she's with Damon, which makes her scared. Essentially, she's confused because surprise and unpredictability are things she fears, but with Damon she's drawn to them and what they could bring to her. Like Rose said, it could be the best thing to happen to her, it could make her happy in a way she's not felt since her parents passed away, or it could be completely wrong for her. Time will tell.

Chantelle Miles

great reaction ......when will VPD episode 20 coming out tho? :) x


This video was blocked on youtube i think


Great reaction! I love Rose's speech to Jeremy in the car. I think she kind of captured why Elena can't seem to put into words what she feels for Damon. She knows she loves Stefan; her feelings for him are less less volatile and less confusing than the emotions Damon brings out in her. When Elena says she doesn't know what she feels for Damon, I don't think she's trying to deny that she feels *something* for Damon, it's just that the limited amount of experience she's had in her teenaged life hasn't provided her with the emotional vocabulary to process what those feelings are.


I've been looking forward to you seeing this episode. Fantastic reaction. I think Elena's problem is she's 18 and doesn't understand her feelings for Damon. Season 2 episode 19 she told Stefan that she knew she loved him but she doesn't really know what love is and she doesn't think Damon does, after he fed her his blood. The other issue is her friends,. Jeremy's face said it all when he caught them and Elena isn't stupid. Rose sums up Delena perfectly.